How to Explain a Vacant Lot to a Five-Year-Old - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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How to Explain a Vacant Lot to a Five-Year-Old

You have given up finding the Kailua or Kaneohe home of your dreams in your price range. Wrong layout, noisy location, fix-up not worth the costs, competing offers from other buyers leaving you behind. Oh, but those great interest rates! Wildly, you decide to let your imagination take charge and look for other options for your family’s housing needs. Stunned, this finds you standing at a Kaneohe vacant lot for sale with your spouse and your 5-year-old son at your side.

Overgrown greenery, steep steps down, an old retaining wall, needs solid builder, but the view would be killer. And then this question comes to you from your son. (It is, by the way, the same question bouncing in your brain.)

“Why Would We Want to Live Here?”

The words flow more quickly to him from your lips than you expected.

Well, so —-

  • This land can become much more than a sloping play area for your friends and you. What about putting a house here? Tell me what sort of house you can imagine here. Treehouse? House with giant wood beams and glass to see Kaneohe Bay? Plants and trees to jump and climb in?
  • We could make this into a safe place where we design a room together for visitors like grandma and grandpa.
  • Look at the quiet street and houses already here for so many years. We could take walks, meet neighbors and other kids, even get a dog finally.

  • Do you think this is a place where we could design a giant room with special corners just for you to enjoy?
  • Eh, you could help us design your own bedroom.
  • What would you like it to be like here when you are a teenager? Could you imagine returning home here as an adult to visit us?
  • We could have many laughs here, games here, and hugs here once we build it just for us.
  • It would be lots of work, but most of the best things worthwhile in life take planning and work, right? We would be part of a team to make it just for all of us, and there will be fun as well as some disappointments. Just like life.

Can you imagine it, son?

Looking For Vacant Land on Oahu?

If you’re interested in vacant land on Oahu with ocean views, 45-271 Kokokahi Place, Kaneohe, HI 96744 was just reduced to $520,000! Please contact me for more information.

Melanie Meinken, RA RS-73296

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August 17, 2020

Seems like a nice place for a family with lots of dogs…

Quality Blog!

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