How Technology is Changing Today's Real Estate Market - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

How Technology is Changing Today’s Real Estate Market

Are we still in the digital age? Have we moved on from this technicolor cyberspace to calling it something else? Have we only grazed the surface of possibilities? It seems that every day is filled with exciting optimism and new advancements in the real estate cyber world. Only you and your WI-Fi connection are the gatekeepers to this incredible resource. As a Maui Realtor and self-proclaimed real estate and design aficionado, these times are absolute nirvana for me. I’ve found that with the unlimited, round-the-clock access to properties through phone apps, online search platforms, blogs, vlogs, and social media outlets, it’s given all levels of buyers and sellers the tools and confidence to navigate the ever-changing real estate market.

From your favorite comfy chair, Realtors not only want to entice, but visually transport you to some of the most spectacular places in the world. Wherever you are, this continually updated live feed of listings makes real estate achievable for a lot of people. It’s a platform that not only benefits buyers and sellers, but has given Realtors an opportunity to make their listings and themselves stand out above the rest.

But to me, one of the most important benefits is how the knowledge gained from these platforms can, on occasion, cause people to look inside to see where it is they really want to be. The endless wealth of personal experiences posted on social media about other areas of the world can allow others to dream, or set in motion goals for themselves that can motivate them to do the same. I believe everyone has their own internal dialogue and life story that is being continuously written.

While it may begin in the digital age or this technicolor cyberspace, we all seek a rewarding human experience from someone wherever we land. Someone who knows we’re all in this journey together, and can lend a hand to fulfill your next step in life. I’m excited to be a part of these times, I do believe the most valuable component to real estate is the human interaction between buyers, sellers, and their agents. At the end of the day, we all want to know someone has our back, and that hand in hand with all this technology, it can bring us together to successfully go after the next chapter of our lives.

More Information

If you’ve determined that the island of Maui is your next chapter, please contact me. I look forward to the opportunity of visiting with you about how finding a home here can be a reality.

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