Ho'opili: 11,750 New Homes in Ewa Beach & Kapolei - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Ho’opili: 11,750 New Homes in Ewa Beach & Kapolei

Ho’opili is a large development, recently approved by the state, located between Kapolei and Ewa Beach. This project is slated to accommodate up to 11,750 homes and is designed to be a pedestrian-friendly neighborhood. Unlike residential development of the past, Ho’opili will incorporate housing options such as single family homes, condos, townhouses, rental apartments, agricultural land, commercial spaces, rail stations, and schools.

Energy Efficiency

Each Ho’opili single family home will be photovoltaic (PV) ready. 15-30% of a typical household’s annual electricity bill is saved through the use of Energy Star appliances, including the solar hot water.

We believe all of these features should be standard in any 21st century project, and we’re proud of the commitment we’ve made to lead the way and sustainably design and build O‘ahu’s newest neighborhood.


200 acres of commercial farming will be included at various locations throughout the community on civic farm lots. In higher density transit areas, 8 acres of community gardens will be placed, providing homeowners the option of having edible garden landscaping installed upon purchase.

Recreational Spaces

10-20 acre sized neighborhood parks. Areas for picnics, playground structures, and exercise routines are available. An open space will be within a 5 minute walk from every home. An extensive walk and bike path network are easily accessible through Ho’opili, allowing for quick visits with neighborhoods and fast errand trips without having to use the car.


We believe we’re creating an ideal environment for lifelong learning right in Ho‘opili, promoting the emergence of area educational facilities from early schools to private schools, and fostering education throughout every child’s developing years and beyond.

We worked closely with the Department of Education to locate five brand new schools in Ho‘opili: three elementary schools, a middle school, and a high school. And when it’s time for undergraduate study, University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu offers programs ranging from humanities to education, applied sciences to professional studies, and more.

All of this, just minutes from home.

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Robe f Malinoski

June 23, 2016

What are the target prices of new homes. In the ewa beach and kapolei area. It is a nice area would be interested in getting information*


apoli arew

Robe f Malinoski

June 23, 2016

What are the target prices of new homes. In the ewa beach and kapolei area. It is a nice area would be interested in getting information*


apoli arew

Lacie Komatsu

September 13, 2016

I’d like to inquire about the Ho’opili development. Is there an application process? When will the homes be finished? I am interested in any information you have on the project.

Lacie Komatsu

jessica ulep

September 18, 2016

I am interested in your new homes that will be going up in ewa/kapolei. I would like to get more information. Could you please call me at 808 781 9696.
Thank you

Jalene Travis

August 2, 2018

I would like for someone to contact me at 8088929553

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