Ho'opili Lottery Releases for Kohina and Ho'oulu | Ewa Beach, Hawaii - Homes by Fawn

Ho’opili Lottery Releases for Kohina and Ho’oulu | Ewa Beach, Hawaii

New Homes

Ho’opili has three lotteries happening now! Are you in the market for a brand new home? The lottery release will consist of single family homes, townhomes, flex, studios, and affordable homes. Don’t wait….get your application in before these homes are gone!!

⭐️Kohina Lottery News⭐️

Kohina will be having TWO lottery releases this month. One for the affordable homes and the other for market-priced homes. For the market priced homes, there will be 20 new 0 – 4 bedroom townhomes, studios, and flex homes will be released from $379,00 (fs) to $665,000 (fs) will be released in the lottery. Homes are projected to be completed Fall 2019. For the studios, they can also be purchased as a commercial unit. After the lottery, if there are any studios available, there is a 30-day minimum waiting period. After the 30 days, the studio can be purchased as commercial space.

Don’t wait — lottery applications are being accepted NOW!

Lottery Dates:

Applications Due: Friday, May 17, 2019 by 5 pm.

Lottery Held: Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 10 am.

👉🏻 Click here to see Kohina’s Price Sheet

⭐️Kohina’s Affordable Homes⭐️

For the affordable homes, there will be 12 new 1 – 3 bedroom residences from $329,000 (fs) to $433,000 (fs).  Homes are projected to be completed Fall 2019. Prospective owner occupants will need to qualify within the 80% medium income range. The 1 and 2 bedroom units will be on the ground floor and 2 and 3 bedroom units will be upstairs.

Lottery Dates:

Applications Due: Friday, May 17, 2019 by 5 pm.

Lottery Held: Saturday, May 25, 2019 at 10 am.

👉🏻 Click here to see Kohina’s Affordable Homes Price Sheet

⭐️Hoo’ulu Lottery News⭐️

Ho’oulu is the newest development in Ho’opili consisting of plantation style single family homes. These homes will consist of 2 and 3 bedrooms with living space from 868 to 1,144 square feet. Also, they’ll be smart homes that feature SkyBell video doorbell, Amazon Echo, single app control for your front door and more. There are three floor plans with raised floors that allow for future expansion.

Lottery Dates:

Applications Due: Friday, May 17, 2019 by 5 pm.

Lottery Held: Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 10 am.

👉🏻 Click here to see Ho’oulu’s Price Sheet

More Information

Interested in participating in one of the Lotteries or more information? Contact me now! These homes will sell out fast and they are held by lottery. Having a realtor working for you, you won’t miss out on any of these opportunities. You’ll need an agent who is competent and can save you time and money. Plus be there to walk you through the home buying process, be your trusted adviser, look over the contract and be there every step of the way.

If you want to become an insider client on Ho’opili or want additional information about other new construction projects, please contact me at 808.439.1077 or fawnbertram@hawaiilife.com. I will walk you through the home buying process, help you submit your lottery application, and in no time you’ll be a new homeowner! If you are interested in seeing the floor plans, brochure information, the lottery application or visiting Ho’oulu or Kohina, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you and assisting in your home search and purchase!

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