Home Solar Panels in Hawaii - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

Home Solar Panels in Hawaii

Known for its year-round sunny weather and nature-conscious values, Hawaii is an ideal location to take advantage of solar energy. If the goal is to reduce your electric and water bill, become more environmentally friendly, or increase your property value, solar power may be for you.

RPS grid

The state’s RPS legislature requires that 100% of all energy generation comes from renewable resources by 2045 | Diagram by: Solar Power Rocks

Hawaii is on the cutting edge of the solar industry, and the state legislature has created strong state tax credits and massive savings. Due to the state’s high utility rates, solar power likely pays for itself faster in Hawaii than anywhere else in the United States. Take a look at some Big Island properties currently on the market that utilize solar panels in different ways.

Estates at Holualoa


Holualoa home listed for sale | (MLS# 289727)

This 3 bedroom home on 2.5 acres of land has panoramic Pacific Ocean views and 1,000 coffee trees on the property. It is equipped with 52 solar panels that are currently leased. Leasing offers the advantage of no large initial investment. This home’s records show that there are significant savings in the monthly electric bill.

Pauoa Beach

Mauna-Lani-Estate-05 copy

Stylish home listed for sale | (MLS# 285949)

This newly constructed home within Mauna Lani Resort showcases modern, elegant Hawaii living at its finest. The home has a purchased net metering system that is included in the sale. In the past, outright ownership was the only option for homeowners wanting solar. It still remains the best dollar-for-dollar value.



Luxury home listed for sale | (MLS# 290752)

The architecture’s angular edges along with this home’s spacious living spaces welcome the cross breezes and sunshine of the Big Island’s western coastline. The home comes with a state-of-the-art Photovoltaic System consisting of 5 roof-mounted arrays totaling 94 solar panels and microinverters. In 2015, the annual savings was nearly $15,000.

More Information

For more information on environmentally friendly Big Island properties, please contact me.

Sources: HELCO.com, SolarPowerRocks.com, HawaiiElectricLight.com, Energy.Hawaii.gov

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