Home Inspections During COVID-19 - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Home Inspections During COVID-19

Are you in the market to buy a home? Are you curious about how inspections work during “stay in place” orders?

Virtual Home Inspections

You might enjoy learning about my firsthand experiences with virtual inspections. I’ve participated in two just this past week. That’s right — home inspections done virtually. Well, actually the home inspections were done physically at the properties. The virtual part came later. So, here’s how it worked. In each case, the inspector practiced social distancing. Proper protocols were in place, including wearing a face mask and using hand sanitizer. No one but the inspectors were allowed at the properties. Surfaces and doors were wiped down after completion. Every precaution was taken. As you already know,  it’s all about health and safety.

During the physical inspection, the inspector checked out the plumbing and electrical systems. He inspected the walls, ceilings, doors, floors, major components, and the roof. The overall condition of the property was assessed.  Everything was written down. Photographed. Areas of concern were prioritized and summarized in a report. The report was emailed to the buyers and me, so we had everything ready and at our disposal prior to our “Zoom” inspection summary meeting.

Zoom Meetings

Next, came the Zoom meetings. In both cases, buyers were on the mainland and in different time zones. No worries. We agreed upon a mutual time and we all tuned in.

It worked really well. The inspectors highlighted all the areas of the report, showed us areas of concern, and answered our questions. Frankly, having attended hundreds of physical, on-site inspection summaries over the years, I found nothing lacking. Granted, there were a few technology hiccups at the beginning. We all had to unmute and get comfortable with the technology, but once we did, it was easy. Simple. Efficient.

I don’t know how long this season of social distancing is going to last. Once it is over, I’m not even sure we’ll go back to the old way of doing things. What I do know is this — with simple planning, some creativity, and a lot of flexibility, we were able to complete a home inspection in a thorough and satisfactory manner. Buyers were well-informed. Well-represented. Satisfied.

Looking to Buy or Sell on Oahu?

You don’t have to know a lot about technology to participate in a Zoom meeting. When it comes to technology, I’m a novice. But, when it comes to representing Buyers and Sellers, I know a thing or two. I know that if you want to buy a home now, there are methods and practices in place to help you. I know that you can rest assured because you can have the full benefit of a thorough home inspection. Even during COVID-19.

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Judith evelyn gardner

January 6, 2022

home inspection was scheduled for today for home i. have prospective buyers for. however when inspector showed up, the tenants would not let him in saying someone in house has covid. he also said no one has been tested to verify that. as a realtor what am i to do.

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