Home Buying Process in Oahu | Questions to Ask Your Lender - Homes by Fawn
Buying Advice

Home Buying Process in Oahu | Questions to Ask Your Lender


If homeownership is at the top of your to-dos, getting pre-approved is one of the first and most important steps. While prospective lenders will have plenty of questions for you, don’t be afraid to find the right lender and loan by asking a host of questions all your own.

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Hi, I’m Fawn Bertram a realtor in Ewa Beach with Homes by Fawn and Hawaii Life Real Estate. Today I’m going to give you a list of questions you can ask prospective lenders so you can be confident you’re getting the lender, the loan, and the payment you can live with.

Financial Information

If you’ve got your financial information ready, here are a few questions to get you started.

  • What type of loan do you recommend for me? Why?

There’s no one type of mortgage loan that’s superior to another, but whichever you choose, you need to know why it’s best and how it works.

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  • Will my down payment vary based on the loan I choose?

If you’re tight on cash or don’t want to be cash poor, let your lender know. Different loans vary in their down payment requirements.

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  • What is the interest rate and the annual percentage rate (APR)?

Everyone talks about the interest rate, but the APR is just as important. It combines the interest rate with the fees a lender charges to originate your loan.

  • Can I lock-in an interest rate? If so, for how long?

If you think rates will be moving up, ask if you can lock it in for a set period of time.

  • What will my closing costs be? Are they a part of my loan or will I pay them in cash at closing?

Remember, closing costs usually run 1-2% of your loan value, so you need to know how they’ll be covered.

Ask for Clarification

Don’t understand something your lender says? Stop and ask for clarification. This is your homebuying journey and you deserve to understand the process every step of the way.

Keep in mind that since a pre-approval is only valid for 30 to 90 days depending on the lender, so you’ll want to speak with a lender about this. Let them know what your goals for purchasing a home are. If you’re not quite there, ask the lender to do a soft pull. That way your credit doesn’t get pulled but lenders can see a snapshot of your financials.

Want to Know More?

If you’re up for the challenge, just click the link here to receive the guide: 90-Day Digital Guide

This guide will walk you through the home buying process and what you should do now to plan for the future. If you’re not ready, that’s fine as well. This 90-Day Homeowner Challenge starts when you’re ready. It can be now or a year from now. All you have to do is click on the link for the challenge, and you’ll be all set.

Let’s Do This!

Ready to start? I can’t wait, let’s do this! Do you have questions? Please email me at fawnbertram@hawaiilife.com or call/text at 808-439-1077. I am so excited for you to start on your 90 Day Homeowner Challenge. This is going to be great! Looking forward to helping you on your journey to homeownership. I’m Fawn Bertram with Homes by Fawn and Hawaii Life Real Estate. I’m here to provide you with a smarter approach to real estate. Make it a great home buying and selling day.

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