Hindsight is 2020 - What Will You See? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Hindsight is 2020 – What Will You See?

There is no doubt that 2020 will be marked in history books for generations to come as the year that “Coronavirus Pandemic” struck the globe. When we hear the question, “Where were you when 9/11 happened?” most people can recall the exact place and feelings. It won’t be different for this COVID-19 quarantine period. And if you can project yourself forward and look back at this time, what will you see?

Here are three things I hope to work on for myself during this time and to share with you.

Slow Down

But really….slow down. If you’re already going slow. Then pump the brake, because it’s probably not slow enough. Let the snails pass you. Let the leaf blowing in the wind pass you. In fact, just take a seat. Truly, through this global pandemic, our entire world has been forced to stop. Take this as a hint. Slow down. Embrace the change of pace. And meditate.


Through meditation and stillness, there is so much clarity. Clarity that will help us manage our relationships, our business decisions, our home buying or selling decisions, and our personal anxieties. Going slow to meditate is an excellent tool during this time. I highly recommend Headspace or Insight Timer for those who are new to meditation like myself.

This global pandemic has caused a lot of pain and suffering, fear and discomfort in times of change. But (cliché alert) this is when we have the opportunity to grow. The more you can sit with yourself and your thoughts and feelings, the more you uncover. More empathy. More forgiveness. More freedom.


We are all only in control of ourselves and our own emotions. Regardless, we each can make an impact on the lives of others and on our world. So take the time you are at home for personal growth. Grow into the person that you’ve always wanted to be. Write down your goals and set out to achieve them. Now is the time!

There is a great deal of emotion involved in buying and selling residential real estate. A lot of pressure from industry people, family members, yourself, and maybe a lot of uncomfortable life changes surrounding the decision. The more you can sit with yourself, the easier it will be to make smart decisions for yourself and your family in terms of a real estate investment. Ask yourself, “what is motivating me to buy or sell?” and “what are my greatest needs and wants?” And if you’re feeling pressure then slow down, meditate and then move forward with a confident decision.

I look forward to meeting you for a walk on the beach to answer any questions you may have about the real estate market in Hawaii. Reach out to me anytime.

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