Upcountry Living on Maui: Hiking The Crater - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Upcountry Living on Maui: Hiking The Crater

As with most real estate agents, I am a creature of routine. I wake each morning, boil water for my French press, check market updates, and start reading emails. Working for Hawaii Life gives me the ability to work from home, which I love; however, out the window I have the daunting view of Haleakala staring down at me. This immense presence has lured me up her slopes before, a day hike here and there, but something was pulling me out of my routine. What I needed was alone time with the “House Of The Sun.”

Inside Haleakala Crater

Inside Haleakala Crater

After determining my route and supplies needed it was time to start my journey. From my home it is about 1 hour to the summit. The drive is beautiful, from Haiku’s jungles to Makawao’s small town feel. Kula is the last bit of civilization, and then comes the park entrance and numerous rounds of switch backs up to the summit parking lot.

Summit Parking Lot

Summit Parking Lot

The Hike In

My path in was down “Sliding Sands,” across the crater floor and out to Paliku. I had brought 4 liters of water that were supposed to last me 2 days, boy was I wrong. I had drank 2 liters in the first 3 hours. My backup plan was to drink the spring water at the cabin, but thanks to lady luck I met trail friends. Chalese was kind enough to lend me her water filter and for the soul, tequila. In return I sent her photos from my journey.

Paliku, Where I Camped


By map it’s 10 miles to Paliku, by foot closer to 12 which took 3 and a half hours from the summit. Upon arrival I set up camp, ate, and found my spot for the sunset. The show was amazing, but the real treat were the stars. Without all of the light pollution of the cities and being the most isolated archipelago in the world makes for some excellent star gazing.

Night Sky In Paliku

Night Sky In Paliku

Hiking Out

The hike out “Switch Backs” was similar distance with much different scenery, with plenty of water and food the trek was swift.

Crater Floor

Crater Floor

In all my walk about was a success, it recharged my energy for work and day to day life. It also reminded me that, even though we live out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, adventure and various landscapes are all around us.

I love my Hawaii Life.

Tim Stice, R(B)

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July 21, 2015

Nice! It’s such a great experience to camp out in the crater!


July 21, 2015

Nice! It’s such a great experience to camp out in the crater!

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