Hawaii Life Just Got Better - Poipu Office Blessing & Official Opening - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Hawaii Life Just Got Better – Poipu Office Blessing & Official Opening

Well, it’s official. Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers are welcomed as a fresh presence for the Poipu Beach and the luxury community of Kukui’ula.

Matt Beall, (R) PB, Reverend Ipo Kahaunaele Ferreira and JJ Leininger (R) BIC, blessing the opening of the doors of our new Poipu office at The Shops at Kukui’ula on October 8th

Complete with mailie leis, last night was the culmination of much anticipation and excitement as the Reverend Ipo Kahaunaele Ferreira formally blessed the new, modern-designed Hawaii Life Poipu office at the Shops at Kukui’ula.

The energetic vibe, fun and forward thinking discussion we enjoyed at the celebration is typical of the company’s irresistible draw and success throughout the islands.

A Hawaiian blessing is a unique, moving practice – something about the deeper cultural alignment with the aina (land) stirs me, as I am daily to be thankful for the opportunity to live, work, and play on vibrant Kauai. Traditionally performed at beginnings (like office openings) in appreciation of those who were here before us and the celebration of the new adventure one is embarking on, these ceremonies are a blend of ancient Hawaiian chants, song, story, and prayer in English and Hawaiian.

Hearing the Hawaiian language’s beautiful, flowing rhythm resonates deeply within and reminds me of how “lucky we live Hawaii.”

A Bright Future

With a desire to represent my clients in the best way possible, I am thrilled (after nearly 30 years as an Independent Broker) to form a team to get things done through the powerhouse of experts connecting me with a world full of awesome people who love Kauai.

The Grand Opening marks a memorable turning point and a promising future for south shore real estate.

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