Hawaii Life hires a new Director of Sales, Anthea Adair, RA - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Hawaii Life hires a new Director of Sales, Anthea Adair, RA

Aloha everyone,

We’re pleased to announce the hiring of our new Director of Sales, Anthea Adair, RA.  Anthea is currently studying for her broker’s license, so her eventual official title will be Broker-In-Charge on Kauai.  Anthea’s real estate experience on Kauai has earned her a great reputation as a professional, high-tech, and low-drama Realtor.  Her computer training brings a lot to Hawaii Life, especially given our strong web presence and focus on technology.

Anthea’s position as Director of Sales involves working directly with each of our Associates and Brokers to apply our marketing solutions for our clients and customers.  We’ve grown quickly since announcing Hawaii Life’s ‘brick & mortar’ office here on Kauai… we now have 14 agents, 49 listings, and our web presence is growing dramatically.  So, her work is cut our for her!  We’re all thrilled to have Anthea on our team, and for the future that we’re creating for Hawaii Life!

And, of course, Anthea will continue her focus on Luxury Properties throughout Kauai and Princeville.  She’s been fortunate to represent some of Princeville’s finest homes.  Anthea can be reached at anthea@hawaiilife.com or at 808-634-2352.

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October 14, 2008

Welcome Anthea. So glad to have you as a part of the Hawaii Life team!


October 20, 2008

Now everyone is talking about the American economy and eclections, nice to read something different. Eugene

Steve Thompson

October 28, 2008

Congratulations Anthea and Congratulations to Hawaii Life for recognizing a true winner.

Anthea undoubtedly brings a strong sense of dedication, professionalism and a true “Customer First” approach to Kaua’i Real Estate. Looking forward to great times ahead for all of you.


November 8, 2008

Thank-you for the warm welcome. Joining the Hawai’i Life team has undoubtedly been my best business decision yet. With a strong sense of the basic principles of ethics and professionalism at the center of advanced digital technology, this team already upholds a reputation on its own that I am proud to be a member of.

HawaiiLife.com…I had no idea! at StartupHawaii: News, Info, and Inspiration for Hawai’i’s Entrepreneurs

November 12, 2008

[…] in general.  However, I see that Hawaii Life is, yes, hiring, according to the company’s blog.  This caused me to think that a real estate-related company that is expanding in this market has […]

Big Island Sales Commentary for November 2008 | Hawaii Real Estate Blog

December 6, 2008

[…] spent a little time in the real estate business on Kauai…..congratulations to Anthea on her upcoming BIC position (sorry I haven’t responded yet to your email….you got me all choked up!). It’s […]


February 5, 2009

Great post, Gary. Thank you for your expert information, as always. An update: I passed the Broker’s Exam in November; thank-you all for the good luck and well wishes.
To answer Mike’s question regarding showing properties on another island: We don’t yet (may never) have the Superferry on Kauai, so boating options would be limited. Depending on the circumstances, we would go by plane or refer to an agent on the desired neighbor island.

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