Hawai‘i Life and Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund Renew Multi-Year Pledge to HILT - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Hawai‘i Life and Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund Renew Multi-Year Pledge to HILT

In keeping with our commitment to charitable causes and conservation, Hawai‘i Life and the Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund recently renewed multi-year pledges to support the Hawaiian Islands Land Trust (HILT). Both Hawai‘i Life and the Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund have partnered with HILT as Nā Koa ‘Āina Fellows since its inception in 2011.

Hawaiian Islands Land Trust is an accredited statewide land trust devoted to the preservation of Hawai‘i’s precious natural resources and cultural heritage. From the HILT website:

HILT’s programs and initiatives are aimed at land conservation across the state, with an ambitious vision of protecting them in perpetuity. HILT takes a holistic approach to land conservation, focusing on areas that enable Hawai’i’s long-term well-being, including lands with scenic views, agricultural resources, wildlife habitats, water resource areas, cultural and historical values, and outdoor recreation opportunities.

Nu‘u Refuge on Maui. Photo courtesy of HILT.

HILT was founded in early 2011 through a merger of four island land trusts: Hawai‘i Island Land Trust, Maui Coastal Land Trust, O‘ahu Land Trust, and Kaua‘i Public Land Trust. HILT now represents the combined skill and resources of these four organizations that chose to join forces to take land conservation in Hawai‘i to the next level. Their multi-faceted approach includes policy and advocacy; education and outreach; land acquisition, protection, stewardship, and monitoring.

Sprecklesville, Maui. Photo courtesy of HILT.

Both Hawai‘i Life and the Hawai‘i Life Charitable Fund recently made significant, three-year commitments by renewing our Nā Koa ‘Āina Fellowships with HILT, each pledging a gift of $30,000. These funds will be disbursed over the next three years. 

To support the Hawaiian Islands Land Trust, you can make a one-time, monthly or annual donation, or you can explore volunteer opportunities and events. Click here to learn more about lands currently protected by the Hawaiian Islands Land Trust.

Hawaiian Islands Land Trust uses a multi-faceted approach that includes education.

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