Glimmers #MauiStrong - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Glimmers #MauiStrong

What’s happened on Maui is beyond comprehension. It’s been one week and the stories of devastation and despair continue. There are no words to express our sorrow. Our loss. Maui is suffering and we suffer with her.

It is hard to hold on to hope when things seem so utterly dark. But, there are glimmers. Glimmers of hope, light and goodness. A personal friend lost her home, all of her worldly goods, and her kitties. She’s single and she is a senior.  But, she just found a furnished studio to rent near her daughter’s home in Makawao. She’s grateful for this glimmer of hope. I’m grateful, too. Another friend is “boots on the ground” with the Red Cross. It’s unlike anything she’s ever seen, and as a psychologist, she is tasked with bearing bad news to the loved ones of those who perished in the fires. She’s a glimmer of kindness and compassion for those who are suffering. So are her fellow Red Cross workers.

Another glimmer — a client and friend who rented a U-haul and drove goods to donation centers and supplies to the pier. He’s got a jet ski and is flying to Maui to use it to help deliver whatever he can to those in need. He’s just one individual, but he is a glimmer of support to those who are suffering. And, there are countless others like him.  People who are individually and collectively coming together to help. To give. To care.

Glimmers come in all shapes and sizes and we are grateful for each and everyone. Maui surfer Kai Lenny is an inspiration and an example of a glimmer. His mission is to serve the Maui community however he can. Thank you, Kai.

There is story after story of neighbor helping neighbor. And, every one of those stories serves as a glimmer of light for those who are living through very dark times. As always, there are tales of wrong doing, and sadly, there are those who are preying on victims.  But, there are far more stories — inspiring stories — of Hawaii’s local people helping Hawaii’s local people. Each caring heart and each helping hand provides a glimmer of hope to someone. I like to call all the acts of generosity, kindness and compassion, “God glimmers.” Call them what you may, but they are glimmers of caring hearts offering hope to those who have lost so much.

There are also symbolic glimmers — symbolic glimmers that represent the epitome of hope. For example, amid the wildfire ash, the iconic 150-year-old Banyan tree in Lahaina still stands, yet, offering another glimmer of promise for Maui’s people. Then there’s the story of the 175-year-old Maria Lanakila Catholic Church, which was unscathed in the fire, standing as a symbol and beacon of hope for Maui.

The stories of kindness and people helping people are too many to count. Our first responders, volunteers, and communities have gone above and beyond to do what they can. No gift is too small, no act too insignificant.  Every.Kindness.Counts.

The sadness and grief over so much loss is immeasurable. Recovery will take years. The wounds are deep and healing will be a very long and difficult journey, especially for those who have been the most impacted by the fires and who have lost so much. But, for those of you who have donated funds, provided help and resources, and who have demonstrated kindness and compassion, please know that you are glimmers of strength and hope for Maui and we are grateful.

Let’s continue to come together and show the strength of our community. We can help Maui and prove that we are, indeed, Maui Strong. Click here for more information on where to donate: Maui Strong: Help Lahaina Town and Maui Recover

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Marilyn Lani Williams

August 17, 2023

Aloha Cherie,
I can’t tell you want an inspiration your write up was for me to read. I was born in Hawaii and I am devastated about what happened in Maui especially my favorite Lahaina! That can never be replaced. But the Banyan tree that survived and a symbol of hope and recovery. Not to mention all the locals gathering together to help anyone and everyone.
Marilyn Lani Williams
Coldwell Banker/ Newport Beach, CA

Kim Soares

August 17, 2023

Beautifully said! IMUA!

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