Get To Know O'ahu Businesses Ep #1: Jim Franklin of Sunshine Arts - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Arts and Culture

Get To Know O’ahu Businesses Ep #1: Jim Franklin of Sunshine Arts

I had the pleasure of meeting Jim Franklin, the owner of Sunshine Arts, soon after moving to O’ahu. For over 20 years, he has owned, Sunshine Arts, a beautiful art gallery and framing shop in Kaneohe. Just last month, he opened a new gallery, Sunshine Arts Hawaii, in the retail area of the Waikiki Marriott. Representing over 100 of Hawaii’s artists, I highly recommend you visit his galleries if you enjoy fine arts and crafts.

Here is a video where Jim talks about how he got started, how to buy art, and what he enjoys most about his business and living in Hawai’i.

Blessing Ceremony For New Gallery

If you are on O’ahu on October 28th, Jim and his gallery director, Kristin, are having a blessing ceremony at the new Waikiki gallery. The event is from 4 pm-7 pm. Music, complimentary pupu’s, and refreshments provided. Many artists will also be in attendance — come by and talk story, see some beautiful art and maybe take a favorite piece home.

Invitation to Sunshine Arts Hawaii Blessing Ceremony

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Matthew J Zimmerman

October 17, 2019

I really enjoyed this interview. Especially the beginning. I ended up starting my own scuba diving business after hanging out on the same sail boat as Jim 20 years ago. I remember the days of him sitting around on the boat strumming that guitar. I started Island Divers Hawaii a few years after Jim. It is really entertaining how similar our stories are. Onward and upward! Love the story.

Bryan Vukelich

October 17, 2019

Hi Matt,

Your comment had me smiling – must of been good times back then relaxing on a boat with Jim strumming his guitar.  

I’d love to hear (and sure others would) your story how you got Island Divers started and your experience of living in Hawaii – you want to do an interview sometime?    


March 14, 2021

I love these art pieces so much. My grandmother has one hanging in her house, and i swear its so real. When i was a child I always thought the eyes in the picture were following me.

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