Free Life Coaching During Corona Pandemic - Let's Do What We Can To Kokua - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Free Life Coaching During Corona Pandemic – Let’s Do What We Can To Kokua

In these challenging times, we find ourselves at home hopefully getting to spend quality time with family.

It’s a strong contrast, the comfort of being with loved ones without having the pulls of daily life to usher our attention and focus elsewhere, with the unsettling feeling of the state of crisis in the world around us.

As I ponder how I might be able to contribute to the wellbeing of our community, it seems evident that having someone to talk to as a thought partner is both useful to help process our lives from a newly conscious perspective, and pragmatic as we have the time now to do so.

I am volunteering two hours of my day for coaching as a gift to the community. I can accommodate a variety of languages that are listed on my web site. The hours can be flexible based on time zone differences. I will only be accepting offers from persons who are observing and practicing virus containment procedures, and supporting the safety and wellbeing of all of us. Compelling graphics of the Impact Travel has on the Spreading of Covid-19 NYTimes Article.

I will also be prioritizing those who are financially challenged, and the coaching-curious. This is both to reach those who have no other avenue to afford this, and to open the door to those who thought it might be just what they needed but hesitated until now.

Please email your requests to:, with the Subject: “Free Coaching”.  (Note: my vocational focus is primarily on real estate now so please email in lieu of using the online scheduler).

I’m hopeful with the knowledge of the containment successes we’ve seen in some countries that have observed the strictest levels of containment protocols, and the results of those that have not, will have a dramatic and immediate impact on how we respond as individuals. That our shift in individual responses to unnecessary gathering or closeness with public passersby, combined with national imperative for widespread early testing, will turn this around radically. And the story our grandchildren will read about will be focused on the power we have individually and collectively to change the world by thinking locally and acting globally.


Just a bit of background to help you vet this offering and see how it might apply to your present circumstances.

Coaching Education: College of Executive Coaching

Coaching Standardization Credentialing: International Coaching Federation (ICF) – Julie Strong

Website is: (note also video endorsements page)

Linked In:



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