The Four Agreements in Real Estate - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

The Four Agreements in Real Estate

Have you read “The Four Agreements” by don Miguel Ruiz? It’s been a while since I’ve picked up the book, but I got to thinking about it the other day and how it applies to real estate.

If you aren’t familiar with the book, it essentially outlines four powerful agreements that will transform your life.

The Four Agreements are:

  • Be Impeccable With Your Word.
  • Don’t Take Anything Personally.
  • Don’t Make Assumptions.
  • Always Do Your Best.

So what does the book have to do with real estate? Nothing. Everything. It’s really a guide to personal freedom, but if you follow the four agreements listed above, you might just discover that your real estate experience will be vastly improved. Let’s break it down a bit……

Be Impeccable with Your Word.

What we say and how we behave matters. Character matters. So does honest communication and reputation. In the real estate business, honesty, authenticity, and transparency may go further than you think. I can tell you that in my experience, both Buyers and Sellers (and their Realtors) who are impeccable with their Word, win the day. People like to work with trustworthy people who say what they do and do what they say. Period.

Don’t Take Anything Personally.

Okay, so being impeccable with your Word makes sense, but how in the world do you keep from taking things personally  when your offer has been rejected for the third, or in this market, the thirtieth time?  And, how do you not take it personally when your Buyer cancels on the home inspection because your house didn’t quite measure up? And, after all the work you did. Granted, it is hard, but there is wisdom in learning not to take things personally. Think of it this way – no good comes from taking it personally. Taking it personally will not serve you. At all. It will only serve to take you off track and to bring you down. So, if you don’t want to be derailed from your goal, don’t take it personally.

Don’t Make Assumptions.

In our business, we see problems arise all the time because of assumptions. In the absence of data, people make up stories in their own heads and they assume far too much — too much about the property, the Seller, or the Buyer.  Don Miguel Ruiz says that we need to find the courage to ask questions and to express what we really want.  Hmmmm……that sounds like good real estate advice to me. He also says we need to clearly communicate with others so that we will avoid misunderstandings and drama. I don’t about you, but avoiding drama sounds like a good way to conduct business. Buying and Selling real estate is hard enough, so learn to deal in facts and avoid making false assumptions. It just makes good sense.

Always Do Your Best.

This is my personal favorite. Just do the best that you can individually manage. When you do, you will avoid feelings of regret and you will also enjoy the process more. If you aren’t sure how to do your best, start with the first three agreements. Be impeccable with your word, don’t take things personally, and don’t make assumptions. If you do those three things, you’ll find that you will indeed do your best. Oh, and make sure you work with a team of professionals who do their best, too.

I love the following quote by Don Miguel Ruiz:

“Enjoy the path and the destination will take care of itself.”

Real estate (and life) may be more complicated than that quote suggests. After all, our decisions do impact our outcomes. But, it certainly rings true that if we follow the four agreements, we are likely to enjoy the ride a whole lot more. And, we might just end up exactly where we are meant to be. In our homes and in life.

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Julie Keller

December 16, 2021

Hi Cherie,
I love your blog topics – you really nail it! The Four Agreements was given to me as a gift 20 years ago, and without a doubt, these agreements are great tools to use, and they have made the ride – both in my personal life and real estate career – more enjoyable!
Happy Holidays!!

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