Finishing Well in Real Estate and in Life - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Finishing Well in Real Estate and in Life

As Realtors, we are in a unique position to help you and your family build a better life. How? By helping you build home equity that can be used toward improving your life. Over the years, we have shared in our client’s successes. We’ve seen those we represent build wealth through real estate equity. Equity that has funded investments, college tuitions, retirements, travel, and more. In short, we’ve watched those we serve build lives on the solid foundation of real estate ownership.

It’s great when we can help our clients begin their real estate path. There is nothing like witnessing the excitement in the eyes of a first time home buyer when you hand them the keys to their new home. It’s also very rewarding to see our clients trade up into bigger and better homes. Watching our clients grow their real estate portfolios (and their lives) is so very satisfying. After all, what is better than sharing in someone’s growth and dreams?

It’s truly wonderful to be at the start of something that you know is going to bring someone financial security, stability, comfort, and joy. But, it’s equally wonderful when we help people finish well. There comes a time in all of our lives when we have to prepare for aging, for slowing down, for simplifying, and for change. If truth be told, as  soon as you begin any new endeavor, it’s probably wise to start planning for a finish. Ultimately, you’ll want whatever you’ve helped to build — your home, your business, your net worth, and your legacy, to have lasting value. You’ll want to finish well.

We can help you finish well through well-defined and thought out strategies. When it comes to your real estate, you have lots of options, but you need to begin with the end in mind. You need to be intentional. Proactive. Wise. Get expert counsel and get a good plan in place. If you do, you’ll be able to finish well in real estate.

But, what about in life? How do you finish well in life? There are all sorts of strategies, but here are a few helpful steps to follow to assure you finish well:

1.  Keep Growing

Aging does not mean that growth stops. There are countless opportunities for you to learn and to grow. Read. Volunteer. Join groups. Start a hobby. Go back to school. Release and utilize the resources right in front of you so that you reach your fullest potential. You will be enriched and so will those around you.

2.  Connect

Don’t isolate. Keep connecting and don’t go it alone. As you build healthy relationships and stay connected to family, friends, and your community, you will be encouraged, supported, and strengthened.  Connection improves your emotional health, your physical well-being, your mental and cognitive functioning,  and enhances your quality of life.

3. Care for Others

Serve. Help. Make a difference. When you make a positive difference in the lives of others, your own life will be different.  Better. When you care for others, you will leave a positive imprint on their lives and on your own.

4. Invest in the Next Generation

Pour into young people. When you mentor, teach, share, and invest in the lives of the generation to follow, not only will you finish well, you will help them to finish well, too.

5. Plan Ahead

There is an end date to everything, including our lives. So, think about the end of your life.What do you need to do to wrap things up? Have you written down your stories? Shared your values? Be intentional about lining up your legal docs, your medical directives, and planning your estate. Think about what you want to pass on and how you want to be remembered.

When you make wise decisions about your real estate and your life, you will leave a lasting legacy. You will finish well.

One last tip: If you want to reserve meaningful moments and share your life experiences with loved ones, check out Storyworth. It’s a great way to memorialize and pass on your stories, your insight and your wisdom to future generations.

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