Finding The Best Vet In Hawaii For Your Pet - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Finding The Best Vet In Hawaii For Your Pet

Let’s talk veterinarians!

When it comes to your Primary Care Veterinarian, I must tell you, Aina Haina Pet Hospital in Kaimuki is the place you want to be. I have visited multiple pet hospitals in my years of being on island, and once I found Aina Haina I could not believe the amount of time and money I had wasted prior.

I have two sweet girls, but my first born is 15, and she needs a little more attention than my chihuahua. To make a long story short, I was quoted at one office $1200 for your standard check-up and blood work…WHAT?! I know Hawaii is more expensive than the mainland, but I simply could not believe it could be that much to do basic lab work and testing. Luckily, we left not getting any blood work done and shortly after ran into a kind gentleman who also had a little senior citizen dog. He referred me to Aina Haina Pet Hospital, and we are now customers for life. Want to know how much I ended up paying at Aina Haina for the routine check-up and blood work? $150. Not to mention, she trimmed my girl’s nails and face at no charge. Who is this angel I speak of? Her name is Dr. Tsutahara, and she is a true gem. She works 7 days a week most weeks and truly loves what she does. I am so thankful to have found Dr. Tsutahara and the staff at Aina Haina Pet Hospital.

If you do not live in the Honolulu area, I have listed a few other vet offices that are very reputable and reliable.

If you are new to the island and need more guidance regarding where to live and take your animals, please feel free to contact me!

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