Expired and Withdrawn Hawaii Real Estate Listings - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Expired and Withdrawn Hawaii Real Estate Listings

We study Hawaii’s real estate markets very closely. And, if we see a property that was on the market previously and didn’t sell, we’re likely to inquire with the sellers. Sometimes, we inquire because our buyer-clients may be interested in the property. And sometimes, we’d like to interview with the sellers to discuss our marketing strategy.

Hawaii’s real estate market is in a constant state of flux, with its micro-markets all around the State, and the wide variety of influences: the national economy, the local tourism industry, the influx of REO (bank-owned) foreclosures and short-sales. Most of these influences are relatively new to the real estate market, and Realtors have been forced to adapt to the new market and its new influences.

We’ve been screaming this from the hilltops of our little blog here, but it’s not just the market that’s changing, it’s the entire industry.

National Study Conducted by NAR in 2008

As real estate buyers gravitate to the internet for information, sellers and their Realtors must position their listings to be seen. The traditional methods of print ads, yard signs, networking, and direct mail are still part of the equation… but they’re no longer the most important piece of the puzzle of finding a buyer for your home.

With www.hawaiilife.com, we’ve created tools that provide our clients an incredible amount of online exposure, and let them track the number of times a prospect has viewed their listing, looked at their photos, or made an inquiry.

Granted, there a number of national real estate web sites that provide similar services, and we use them as well… but the exposure these sites provide pales in comparison to www.hawaiilife.com. We know, because we track their results on behalf of our clients.

So, a marketing strategy that relies heavily on print magazines, yard signs, and networking simply won’t yield the results that were once possible (even only a few years ago).

Our marketing is integrated, and powerful. We’re committed to sharing the success we’ve had with anyone who’s interested in selling their property in Hawaii. We’re well aware that (some) other real estate companies don’t appreciate our interviewing with their previous clients, and we’re certainly not out to upset anyone… we’re just committed to sharing what works with people who want to sell their real estate in Hawaii.

We’ve had success by quickly selling properties that were previously on the market for years.

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David Buck

October 13, 2009

Good stuff Matt! I listed a property late Friday & we’ve already had over a dozen showings, 1 offer & 2 more on the way! Hawaii Life gives sellers Maximum Exposure!

David Buck

October 13, 2009

Good stuff Matt! I listed a property late Friday & we’ve already had over a dozen showings, 1 offer & 2 more on the way! Hawaii Life gives sellers Maximum Exposure!

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