Everyday Hang Loose Lifestyle - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Everyday Hang Loose Lifestyle

Aside from the obvious of chillin’ on the beach with a tropical drink or taking that afternoon nap in a hammock under some shade, I believe there is more to the everyday hang loose lifestyle. Here are just a few examples of some other things it takes to be in hang loose mode.

Slower-Paced Lifestyle

One most noticeable nuance with island style living is the pace of everyday life.  When I moved from New Jersey to Kona back in 1993,  It quickly became apparent that I needed to throttle back a bit in how I go about my day to day living.  Simple things like waiting in a check-out line at the grocery store.

Example I: There she is…  everybody’s Auntie… Auntie Loke… with that huge aloha smile and laugh, working the register, in no rush and talking story with a friend or even a total stranger, like they have been friend for years. Sure you want to pay for your stuff and be on your way, but those little special moments take just a tiny bit of extra time and when you think about it, that’s just one of the many things that make living in Hawaii so special.

What is “talking story”? Easy! It’s simple chatting about days of old or even new, weather conditions and skies so blue, food you love and family too. Maybe we all should talk story a little more with one another ?

Driving the Island Roads

Another interesting observation is driving on the island. It’s so important to show “Aloha.” Here’s a small example—You are in slow moving traffic and you see it backing up in front and behind you. A car is trying to enter the lane from a side street. Ahhhhh an “Aloha moment”: Let the driver enter in front of you… Simple, no? I’ll bet you get a shaka and a smile in return.

Example II: Somebody’s in a hurry behind you. If there’s enough safe shoulder, pull over and let them pass. You’re gonna see them at the light ten miles ahead anyway, so you can smile and give them a shaka.

Are there any crazy drivers in Hawaii? Absolutely! But I think you will find that most people are courteous and only want to get from point A to point B safely.

Example III … I love to drive Alii drive on cruise ship day’s. I enjoy seeing the visitors milling around Kailua town and when they enter the crosswalks I stop (as required by law) and wave them a “Shaka”. Almost always it puts a smile on their face and many times they will shaka me back.

Island lifestyle can take some adjusting for some and, I know that for me, I quickly adjusted just fine. I love my Hawaii Life and wouldn’t change a thing. Let me know if I may be of any help finding your Hawaii Life. I specialize in residential real estate and custom home building in the Kona-Waikoloa and South Kohala market.

A hui ho


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