The Ethics Intersection - Operating Under the Rules of the National REALTORS® “Code of Ethics” - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

The Ethics Intersection – Operating Under the Rules of the National REALTORS® “Code of Ethics”

Integrity, Honesty, Respect, and Ethics – this is the intersection of the values needed in order to operate our business in a manner that embodies the Golden Rule. For us, we operate under the rules of the National REALTORS® Association’s “Code of Ethics”

REALTORS® pledge to observe its spirit in all of their activities. In the Real Estate business, it is expected that your agent has established and lives by a set of positive ground rules that guide their behavior.

What you may not know is that we are required to take continued education classes that broaden our understanding of what is and what is not acceptable behavior. As such, we take our business seriously and have vowed to maintain these values – it is an integral part of maintaining a license and treating all parties fairly.

There are serious consequences for not following “The Code.”

As a part of the continued education program for realtors, we have specialists that train us in classes where we examine various real-life scenarios and then discuss what the people did right and/or wrong and what they should have done.

This elevates our Standards of Practice and helps us identify behavior that would be considered inappropriate and then instinctively know how to respond. In the process, we learn how to best behave in any given tricky circumstance.

Many of us have been known to discontinue our working relationships with clients that act unethically. Certainly, it feels good to know that we have done the right things and that we never need to look over our shoulders for acting outside the Code. It may result in the loss of a transaction or a client, but nothing is worth acting outside of these essential guiding principles.

In my business, I like to operate in a transparent environment where everyone can feel clear about the entire series of events.

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