Elima Lani Is Waikoloa Village's Only FHA Approved Condo Complex - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Elima Lani Is Waikoloa Village's Only FHA Approved Condo Complex

Once again, Elima Lani is Waikoloa Village’s only FHA approved condo complex having just gotten re-certified for FHA financing. What does this mean for condo buyers and sellers? 

Well for starters, it means a buyer can purchase with as little as 3%, or even $500 down instead of 20% or 30% down. Translated into dollars on a condo purchase of $120,000, that’s comparing $3,600 to $24,000 or $36,000! For many buyers, that’s the difference between being able to afford to purchase a condo and not having the down payment.

Elima Lani is 216 units all 2 bed 2 bath; complex has 2 pools, mature landscaping, and ample parking

In December, most FHA financing for condo financing came up for review and pending loans come to a halt. I know this as I had a buyer for an Elima Lani condo that just missed the December 8th cut off date.

But, I am happy to say that we we working with Wells Fargo and with a little extra time, and a whole lot of extra work on the part of Leslie Woods and her team at Wells Fargo, Elima Lani is once again FHA certified. And very shortly, there will be one new condo owner calling Elima Lani home!

I love the Big Island!

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April 15, 2011

Are you an agent? We live in WA. state and want to re-locate to Hawaii. Could you send complete info. on this complex, including taxes and fees. Is this a dog friendly property? We are in our 60’s, very active, but only interested in a well-runned, safe condo. Thank you, CF


April 15, 2011

Are you an agent? We live in WA. state and want to re-locate to Hawaii. Could you send complete info. on this complex, including taxes and fees. Is this a dog friendly property? We are in our 60’s, very active, but only interested in a well-runned, safe condo. Thank you, CF

Pat Strausse, R

April 15, 2011

@ Hi Carolyn, I am an agent with Hawaii Life and would love to tell about Elima Lani and Waikola Village. I’ll send you an email to you. Thanks for reading our blogs and contacting me here at Hawaii Life, Aloha Pat


January 29, 2013

Aloha is that fha still available and what are the rerquirements
let me know thanks Alex

Pat Strausse, R

April 15, 2011

@ Hi Carolyn, I am an agent with Hawaii Life and would love to tell about Elima Lani and Waikola Village. I’ll send you an email to you. Thanks for reading our blogs and contacting me here at Hawaii Life, Aloha Pat


January 29, 2013

Aloha is that fha still available and what are the rerquirements
let me know thanks Alex

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