Do the Hustle - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Do the Hustle

Were you around in the ’70s? If you were, you remember the song, “The Hustle.” “The Hustle” is a disco song by songwriter Van McCoy. It won the Grammy Award for Best Pop Instrumental Performance in 1976. If you remember the song, you also remember the international dance craze by the same name. It was all the rage in the mid-’70s. It seemed as if everyone was doing the “hustle.”

The Real Estate Hustle

When you think about today’s real estate market, it feels as if everyone is doing the “hustle.” If you define the word “hustle,” it means to shove, to press, to hasten, and to hurry. It means to make strenuous efforts to obtain. Hmmm……..sounds a bit like today’s real estate market to me. Everyone is pressing hard to secure a property. Buyers are making strenuous efforts to obtain their goal of owning a home. Realtors are hurrying to help their client’s offers get accepted. To say the least, it’s been hectic. Frantic. But, here’s the thing, the song, “The Hustle,” is anything but frantic. 

If you know the song, you know that the tone is actually rather playful. It’s not at all burdensome. In fact, it’s light. Spirited. Fun.

Making Your Experience More Fun

So, is there a way to make your real estate experience a bit lighter? Less burdensome? More fun? The market is the market and we can’t change the tone, the temperature, or the climate. But, perhaps we can change our response to it. Rather than letting ourselves feel harried and hurried, perhaps we can approach things with a better perspective. A more positive tone.

Do you know what makes “The Hustle” so engaging? Part of the reason is that there is a lot of repetition. Interesting. The very repetition of the song causes us to engage, sing and dance along. We become active participants.

Engaging in the Dance

When it comes to your real estate transaction, there will be repetition, especially if you are writing offer after offer. I know it can feel defeating when you lose out. It’s hard. But, repetition can serve a purpose. You are engaging in the process and you are learning. And, just like the dance craze, there are lots of people engaging with you — your Realtor, your loan officer, and your team of professionals. There are people engaged in “the dance” to help you succeed. Granted, it may not feel fun at times and it may not feel light. But, perhaps you’ll have a better experience when you recognize that all your efforts aren’t in vain. You are engaging in the market, learning its rhythms and the steps you need to take. You are sharpening your moves, and with some practice, you will eventually dance your way to closing.

Purchasing real estate is like a dance — a choreographed dance. Your lender and your Realtor are your choreographers and they are working on your behalf. From the beginning of your first steps until the final act of purchasing your home, they are partnering together to coordinate your choreographed dance. With the right team of professionals, your hustle for the right property can become less stressful and more positive.

Do the Hustle!

So, let’s do the hustle, but let’s do it with some spirited fun! And, just to lighten the mood a bit, here’s “The Hustle” for your enjoyment:

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