Do Photos Make a Difference When Selling Your Home? - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Selling Advice

Do Photos Make a Difference When Selling Your Home?

Are you preparing to market your home?

If so, be sure that you do the right things. How you prep and present your home matters. Common sense dictates that you clean, declutter, and stage. It’s all about first impressions. Long before buyers visit your property, they will have viewed it on-line. So, do photos really make a difference? The answer is yes!

As they say, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. As such, it’s important to make sure you set the stage. Buying is an emotional process. Highly emotional. Do everything you can to create an inviting ambiance. Buyers need to envision themselves living in your home. They need to “feel” as if your home is the right home.

Photos tell your story.

They invite people in. Consider aerial views. Twilight photos. Create vision. Ambiance. Sure, people will want to know facts — square footage, number of bedrooms, baths, etc. But, buying decisions are emotional decisions. Nothing replaces those initial first impressions. And, first impressions start with photos. Good photos. Professional photos.

Take a look at these two photos. One is a professional photo taken of the property during daylight. The other is a twilight photo. Which one evokes the most emotion? Which one pulls you in? Same house. Different photos. I like them both. But, each one evokes different emotions. One size does not fit all, so it’s important to provide buyers with options. Variety.

When selling, be sure to employ the services of a professional photographer. Suggest that photos be taken at different times of the day. Consider drone shots. The key is to present the property in the best light. By capturing the essence of the property, you’ll capture the interest of buyers. And, that interest will translate to showings. You can’t sell the property unless you show the property. So, start with good photos, and the results will follow……

Photos from this Honolulu property for sale: 1120 Kahului Street  – $935,000 (FS)


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