Discovering Ke-Awa-Iki Beach on the Big Island - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

Discovering Ke-Awa-Iki Beach on the Big Island

We recently explored this beach we’d never been to before. It’s about 10-15 minutes south of Anaeho’omalu Bay and there’s a map in the Big Island Revealed that shows the exact location. It’s about a 25 minute walk in to the beach over a lava road and then an a’a trail that is rough, so wear shoes, not sandals.

But the reward is a beautiful black sand beach that will probably be completely empty, as it was for us. The beach was created in 1859 as a result to the Mauna Loa lava flow. The contrast of the black sand, palms, blue sky, and ocean surf really showcase the stark beauty of the Big Island.

Here are more photos:

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Tweets that mention Discovering Ke-Awa-Iki Beach on the Big Island | Hawaii Life --

February 23, 2011

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by HawaiiLife, hl bigisland. hl bigisland said: Discovering Ke-Awa-Iki Beach on the Big Island […]

Tweets that mention Discovering Ke-Awa-Iki Beach on the Big Island | Hawaii Life --

February 23, 2011

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by HawaiiLife, hl bigisland. hl bigisland said: Discovering Ke-Awa-Iki Beach on the Big Island […]

Heidi White

February 25, 2011

Yes, My family used to camp here often. Its now a hike only. The first time my daughter took me here, in her lifted Toyota I was really scared. She was only a teenager and just turning off of the highway was a challenge in my eyes but fun in hers. But she can 4 wheel as good as her brothers. This is why all 3 of my kids have lifted vehicles. They know of so many of these spots. So needless to say lots of our family photos of my kids and now grandkids are taken here. It is one of the many secrets of the Big Island.

Heidi White

February 25, 2011

Yes, My family used to camp here often. Its now a hike only. The first time my daughter took me here, in her lifted Toyota I was really scared. She was only a teenager and just turning off of the highway was a challenge in my eyes but fun in hers. But she can 4 wheel as good as her brothers. This is why all 3 of my kids have lifted vehicles. They know of so many of these spots. So needless to say lots of our family photos of my kids and now grandkids are taken here. It is one of the many secrets of the Big Island.

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

February 27, 2011

Heidi – are you saying we can’t 4-wheel to Keawaiki Beach any longer? The last time I did it was about two years ago or so – an awesome 4wheel drive path with the end bonus of an amazing beach!! I love this spot too!!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

February 27, 2011

Heidi – are you saying we can’t 4-wheel to Keawaiki Beach any longer? The last time I did it was about two years ago or so – an awesome 4wheel drive path with the end bonus of an amazing beach!! I love this spot too!!

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