Curtain Up On Kauai: How HLCF Boosts Youth Creativity Through Theater - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Curtain Up On Kauai: How HLCF Boosts Youth Creativity Through Theater

Each year, Hawaii Life agents and brokers choose a giving focus for the Hawaii Love grant program for non-profits across the state whose programs align with both our mission and our giving focus for that calendar year. In 2023, the Hawaii Life Charitable Fund focus is Caring for our Keiki, elevating Hawaii’s children and at-risk youth with improved early development, education, and health care for their brighter futures.

Support for the Hawaii Children’s Theatre

As a new member of the Board of Directors of HLCF, I have the honor of working with other Hawaii Life agents to give back to the communities where we live and work. I live and work on Kauai, and HLCF is pleased to support the Hawaii Children’s Theatre, the island’s only educational theater program for children, ages 5-21. HCT’s mission: Inspiring youth through the study, performance and appreciation of theater arts.

According to the HCT website, 10,000 children and adults attend HCT performances each year. Kauai school field trips are scheduled for children to enjoy Act 1 of the Fall school show performance: A full-scale Broadway-style production where children work with adults and professional theater staff to create a memorable experience. Volunteers work tirelessly for weeks, right up to curtain time.

In November 2022 we attended the HCT production of Suessical. We stood in line to purchase tickets and a young girl was in line in front of us with her mother. That young girl had seen Act 1 with her class and had a ticket in her hand. She was bubbling with excitement to see the entire show with her mother who was waiting to purchase a ticket. The show was delightful and many times since I’ve remembered that young girl.

I loved to perform in school plays and spring recitals when I was her age, and I believe it’s important for children to experience enrichment through performing. I gave free piano lessons here on Kauai for 15 years and our annual Christmas recital and Spring recital were heartwarming experiences for all who attended. The children practiced their piano pieces to perfection and developed the courage needed to dress up and to perform in front of an audience. The post-recital parties were wonderful: Children with a sense of accomplishment and relief, laughing and chasing one another, while the adults visited.

Courage is one of the most important keys to a happy life, and it takes courage to get up on a stage to sing, to dance, to play a musical instrument, and to speak to an audience. Therefore we thank the HCT volunteers for their continued commitment to bringing the arts to Kauai’s keiki.

Elf the Musical

Elf the Musical is this fall’s show performance and opens November 17, and runs through November 26. We’re attending the November 19th Sunday matinee. Curtain time 3pm. Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall, Lihue.

poster for elf the musical

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Linda Hussey

November 21, 2023

Beautiful words for an amazing organization.

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