Consider Your Carrying Costs - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Consider Your Carrying Costs

I represent a lot of Sellers. I know that a Seller’s goal is to sell their property for the most money. It’s completely understandable that price is a key factor when it comes to selling a home. But, should price be your sole focus? Are you so fixated on price that you lose sight of the goal? The goal of selling and moving on with life.

Home Selling Factors to Consider

Price is definitely important. But, it’s not the only factor. If you are selling your home, here are some questions to consider:

  • While you are waiting for the right price, what does it cost you?
  • Do you have a current mortgage?
  • What’s your monthly payment?
  • What do property taxes and insurance cost you every month? Utilities?
  • Is your fixation on price causing you to miss other opportunities?
  • What does it cost you emotionally to hold on to your house while you wait for “your” price?

Don’t Lose Sight of Your Goal

It’s important to focus on more than your price position. There is a cost to holding out for that “perfect price.” Carrying costs add up. Quickly. Plus, there is a cost to not being liquid. When your house sells, you now have liquid funds. Being liquid is a good thing. Empowering. You now get to reinvest that money. That money can start earning you income. It can be the bridge to your next property. Your next life!

So, when selling your home, consider carrying costs, and don’t let your position on price keep you from moving forward.

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