Chinese Buying Up Golf Courses on Oahu - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Chinese Buying Up Golf Courses on Oahu

Luana Hills Country Club in Maunawili is one of three courses that recently sold

Just over 20 years ago, the Japanese were buying golf courses all over Hawaii. During the Yen’s decline, they ended up selling many of them here for pennies on the dollar. Today, it appears Chinese money is pouring in to buy golf courses here on Oahu.

They’ve also hired a local boy to run the properties according to an article in the Star Advertiser. The three properties recently acquired were Kapolei Golf Course, Luana Hills Country Club, and Makaha Resort and Golf Club.

If you are an avid golfer and living near a course is not good enough, here are some golf course frontage homes on Oahu.

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Gary Bland R (S)

April 24, 2011

Aloha David, I will have to try this course out some day! It looks great!

Gary Bland R (S)

April 24, 2011

Aloha David, I will have to try this course out some day! It looks great!

David Buck

April 24, 2011

@Gary – I haven’t had time to play much golf, however Luana Hills is one of the few courses I have played. It is “challenging” to say the least. I lost many balls there… The beauty/backdrop is incredible however.

David Buck

April 24, 2011

@Gary – I haven’t had time to play much golf, however Luana Hills is one of the few courses I have played. It is “challenging” to say the least. I lost many balls there… The beauty/backdrop is incredible however.

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