Camping Along the Kohala Gold Coast - 4 Wheel Drive Only - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

Camping Along the Kohala Gold Coast – 4 Wheel Drive Only

Last weekend, I decided to take 3 days off work and indulge in one of my favorite Big Island activities—camping!

Makai of mile marker 8.5, this is one of our favorite spots to 4 wheel drive and camp

We call this beach “one tree” or “shell beach” and it’s a lovely large stretch of sand and coral and ouch—kiawe thorns! (Note to self: put thick-soled slippahs into camping bucket.) It’s one campsite toward Hawi from our favorite cove, which we call “the cove.” The cove has really wonderful, easy ocean access, but the camp area is narrow and can feel cramped. Shell beach has plenty of room for a lot of people to camp, and eat and sit around a fire, and…

Fishing, of course, is one of the favorite past times. This area is known for catching ‘ulua, and night diving for slippah lobster (only during the appropriate months, of course). But our friend Sam, well, he knows of a moi pond where he went and threw net two days in a row.

… Moi oh moi…

There is a reason that moi was considered the fish of kings…literally, it was only allowed to be eaten in Hawaii by the ali’i. We know why – it’s delicious! I’ve had moi many times in restaurants along the coast. One of my favorite dishes is the “Moi roll-up” at Sansei, yuuuummm, especially if you love truffle.

But nothing can beat fresh caught moi fried in a wok, prepared local style with wasabi mayo and fresh chopped scallions, the only thing we were missing was chili pepper water. (Believe me, no one was complaining!) Sam went again on Sunday morning and we all went home with fresh moi for dinner. Amazing. Mahalo nui loa, bruddah Sam!

Campsite with tons of room and an unbeatable panoramic view…

For some of you, camping means roughing it at the Four Seasons Hotel (re-opening on Sunday, the 1st, from tsunami repairs), and others will see our car camping as a version of luxury. It is. Joining us for a day? Please bring ice! Really need to get something? It’s only a 15 minute drive out to the gas station and mini mart.

The most incredible thing about camping, for me, was not just the meteor shower and incredibly bright moon, but that I was on a gorgeous beach surrounded by my friends and ‘ohana. I could see across the bay to Puako—could practically see my beach house for sale in Puako—and yet, there was no one else around.

We couldn’t see any other campers, heard no traffic, only saw one car all weekend that didn’t belong to our camp. Ahh…that’s my version of luxury. Escape. In fact, someone mentioned at one point that it was like being in a Corona commercial. I couldn’t agree more.

Sunset our first night camping…

P.S. Did anyone notice? Not one word about the shorts! Hee.

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Heidi White

May 2, 2011

Looks like lots of fun. Its one of my favorite things to do too….but that looks like Pualdkflknvk;vnkj. Ooops I almost gave the secret away…..or wait, did you really post the mile marker? Bad Girl!
Ha ha!

Heidi White

May 2, 2011

Looks like lots of fun. Its one of my favorite things to do too….but that looks like Pualdkflknvk;vnkj. Ooops I almost gave the secret away…..or wait, did you really post the mile marker? Bad Girl!
Ha ha!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

May 3, 2011

@Heidi… shhhhhh… it still takes a bit of sleuthing to figure out where we really were! :)hee.

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

May 3, 2011

@Heidi… shhhhhh… it still takes a bit of sleuthing to figure out where we really were! :)hee.

Wendy Jones

May 3, 2011

Yes…I immediately noticed that you made no mention of “the shorts”…hee hee hee! Just a reminder that you should always travel with extra shorts, cause…you just neva know!

Happy camping everyone!

Wendy Jones

May 3, 2011

Yes…I immediately noticed that you made no mention of “the shorts”…hee hee hee! Just a reminder that you should always travel with extra shorts, cause…you just neva know!

Happy camping everyone!

Julie Keller

May 3, 2011

I was waiting for the shorts mention…a great kick off to good times, hee hee!! It was gorgeous and I’m staying more than one night next time!! Thank you Sam too, for the easier access route out! Camping is the best kind of “staycation” ~ island style!! Great friends & Ohana, warm tropical breeze, the sound and the smell of the ocean, sunsets, stars, panoramic island views, splashing waves, tidepools, laughter, nature, Kiawe wood burning, taaastly food, and even colored eggs, and blow up beds….ahhhhh camping is hawaii life at it finest!

Julie Keller

May 3, 2011

I was waiting for the shorts mention…a great kick off to good times, hee hee!! It was gorgeous and I’m staying more than one night next time!! Thank you Sam too, for the easier access route out! Camping is the best kind of “staycation” ~ island style!! Great friends & Ohana, warm tropical breeze, the sound and the smell of the ocean, sunsets, stars, panoramic island views, splashing waves, tidepools, laughter, nature, Kiawe wood burning, taaastly food, and even colored eggs, and blow up beds….ahhhhh camping is hawaii life at it finest!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

May 6, 2011

@Wendy…you nevah know, indeed!! Hee.
@Julie…can you believe the colored eggs? Definitely bring your blow up mattress next time so you can stay longer!!! Memorial Day Weekend, maybe??

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

May 6, 2011

@Wendy…you nevah know, indeed!! Hee.
@Julie…can you believe the colored eggs? Definitely bring your blow up mattress next time so you can stay longer!!! Memorial Day Weekend, maybe??

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