C.O.V.I.D. - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life


How are you feeling? Is COVID-19 taking a toll on you and those you love? Most people I know are growing weary. Tired. Most have been troopers — wearing face masks, sanitizing, and practicing social distancing. We are all doing our part and we all want it to be over. Soon. But, the reality is that it may not be over anytime soon and people are growing weary. As time drags on, it’s important to continue safe practices and it’s important to stay healthy and strong — mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

I came up with a COVID Acronym to help me, and hopefully you,  to stay strong during this season:

C- Caring.

It’s essential that we care for ourselves. Don’t neglect to nurture yourself. Personal care is essential during times like this, so do those things that fill your tank — read, walk, listen to music, laugh. Do whatever it is that will make you feel good. Strong. Healthy. Remember, you won’t be able to care for others if you don’t care for yourself.

O – Observe.

There is a lot of crazy right now. As such, it’s critical that you become an observer. Be aware of your surroundings. Discern what is happening and take appropriate steps when necessary. If someone isn’t practicing safe distancing, step away. If you observe erratic or hostile behavior, remove yourself and report it. More importantly, observe what’s going on in your own heart. If you are feeling depressed, get help. On edge? Go back to step one and make sure you are caring for yourself properly. We learn by observing and if we want to grow in and through this experience, becoming a master at observation is key.

V – Victory.

Each day, celebrate small victories. If you encouraged someone, that’s a victory. Did you take a walk? Eat healthy? Read a positive blog? Victory! Whatever you do to make your world or someone else’s world better, is a victory and worth celebrating.

I- Integrity.

This is a big one. Right now, integrity seems to be missing in many spheres. Just turn on the news. As the world seemingly spins more out of control, it’s important to maintain your personal integrity. Our world needs people of integrity. People who take responsibility for their actions. Who show respect and who are honest and trustworthy.  As we walk in integrity, we uphold our moral principles and do the right thing.

D – Determined.

We all need more than a little determination to get through this. Be determined to do whatever you need to do to not only survive, but to thrive. Put your head down and get to work. Don’t allow today’s vitriol to take you off course. Remove unnecessary distractions. Focus. And, be determined to do those things that will bring you success, joy, peace, and prosperity.

So, that’s it. Be caring. Observant. Look for and celebrate the victories. Walk in integrity and stay determined. You’ll get through this. We all will.

Oh, and what about that dash between COVID and 19? That stands for space. Give yourself space. Take a pause. Build in some margin in your day. Breathe. And while you are breathing, think of 19 things you can do today to make our world a better place. And then do them.

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July 21, 2020

What a great reminder Ms. Cherie! Wonderful article:)

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