Buying With A VA Loan In Hawaii: Resources Just For You! - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Buying With A VA Loan In Hawaii: Resources Just For You!

Are you a veteran or servicemember interested in buying a home in the islands? Your service to our country has earned you many benefits that will help you through the buying process. For a first time homebuyer, however, the process can seem daunting. Fortunately, there are excellent resources available locally to assist you. One of the premier resources is Hawaii VA Loans, a company started in 2007 by the son of a veteran who wondered why the program wasn’t more accessible to people like his dad. Since then, they have helped 1,000+ veterans with their home purchase.

Here are just some of the questions addressed on the Hawaii VA Loans website:

  • What is my Hawaii Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)?
  • What are SIX significant VA loan benefits over other loan programs
  • What are the qualifications for a VA loan?
  • How do I apply for a VA loan online?
  • How much money could I be wasting by using my BAH to rent?
  • How much house/townhouse/condo will my BAH buy me with a VA loan?
  • Is the condo building I’m interested in VA loan-eligible?
  • What are the details of the new 2020 NO LOAN LIMIT for fully-eligible veterans and servicemembers?

A real estate agent experienced in VA purchases and Hawaii’s market is also essential for finding your dream home and having a smooth, worry-free transaction. As a military spouse and member of the Hawaii Life Military Specialized Team (MST), I am pleased to announce that, in partnership with Hawaii VA Loans, I am now offering servicemembers a comprehensive, FREE e-book on the VA loans process as well as a FREE guide of insider tips on PCS’ing to Hawaii. Both are available with no obligation and my sincere gratitude for all you do. Please contact me, Cathy Possedi, today to get these guides and put my experience in Oahu real estate to work for you.

Cathy Possedi is a REALTOR, CRS, SRS, MRP, SFR with Hawai’i Life. You can email me at or via phone at (808) 728-5696.

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