Beloved & Sustainable Bamboo Farmstead In Hamakua With Gorgeous Views - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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Beloved & Sustainable Bamboo Farmstead In Hamakua With Gorgeous Views

Looking for sustainable living? Farm dwellings? Established and fruiting trees? Even some architectural timber grade bamboo and fantastic ocean views!?

Look no further; you found your perfect Hamakua (Big Island) parcel!

This 5-acre farmstead located in Paauilo Mauka with rich and fertile soil comes equipped with some agricultural dwellings. Framed with bamboo, a rustic but charming cabin with wood burning stove sits on an incredible house site with ocean views and accessed via concrete roads. Separated by a seasonal stream (which has a bamboo bridge over it!), there’s a well built cabin surrounded by old growth Ohia trees. In addition to the two cabins, there’s a large engineered CoverAll workshop, and a well constructed yoga deck with ocean and sunrise views.

This farmstead has been a site for an organic composting tea business, a gathering place for international interns to study regenerative agriculture/ecology/forestry/bamboo, and a venue where people came to heal inside and out; just imagine how happy the plants are! Surrounding the property are large and mature native Ohia trees, most are 200+ years old!

And, the Bamboo! 

Bamboo consisting of Dendrocalamus Giganteus (rare), D. Brandesi’i, D. Latifloris, Gigantochloa Atroviolacea (timber black), G. Bali White Stripe, Hirose/ Bambusa Oldhamii, Bambusa Multiplex, Guadua Angustofolia, Malay Dwarf/Bambusa glaucophylla.

Set in a sweet elevation of approx. 1625 – 1700 ft, this is a fantastic location for a large array of plants. Already established & fruiting are: Lychee, Brazilian Cherries, Apples, Peaches, Bananas, Guavas, Oranges, Tangerines, Red Grapefruit, Limes, Coffee, Jaboticaba, Papaya, Cinnamon, Curry Leaf, Avocadoes, Mangoes, Wampi, Aloe, Turmeric, Vanilla, Rolinia, Suriname Cherries, Jamaican Lilikoi, Loquat, & Mysore Raspberry.

Property is currently listed for sale at $395,000. MLS# 637248. Address: 43-311 Pomaikai Pl, Paauilo, HI 96776.  Please see the listing for more information or please reach out.

Dan Ishikawa | 808.557.5847 |

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Jim Elder

April 4, 2020

I would like to have a look at this parcel. Beautiful country.

Don Bailey

April 12, 2020

Fee simple or no? What are the taxes? Thanks.

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