Anaeho'omalu and the Mo'olelo of Lonoikamakahiki and Kapaihiahilina - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Anaeho’omalu and the Mo’olelo of Lonoikamakahiki and Kapaihiahilina

Anaeho’omalu holds a very special place in my heart. I walk here every day with my husband, and I swim in the kai to reconnect, balance and ground myself before my day begins. Before I started taking the time to become educated about the history of this island, it was still very apparent just by looking at the lay of the land that this place was once a thriving village and a sacred place.

As part of my Hawaiian Studies degree, I had the pleasure of studying an Ahupua’a of my choice. I decided that Anaeho’omalu was the obvious choice for many reasons.

The Mo’olelo of Lonoikamakahiki and Kapaihiahilina

Allow me to share just some of my findings with you. Mo’olelo is the Hawaiian word for story.

This is an excerpt from the Moʻolelo of Lonoikamakahiki and Kapaihiahilina which tells the tale of how a dedicated
Kapaihiahilina remains faithful to Lonoikamakahiki while he is in search of elusive “trunkless Koa trees” on Kauaʻi.

When Lonoikamakahiki set sail on his search for his friend, Kapaihiahilina had
already arrived at Anaehoomalu and soon afterwards was followed by
Lonoikamakahiki and others.

Even after all of Lonoikamakahikiʻs followers abandon him on his quest, Kapaihiahilina sticks with him until the end.

Because of his unwavering faithfulness, Lonoikamakhiki rewards Kapaihiahilina with many privileges and land. Lonoikamakahikiʻs people become jealous and start to spread rumors about Kapaihiahilina and Lonoikamakahiki
believes them. At one point, Lonoikamakahiki refuses to see Kapaihiahilina which causes him to flee in great
sadness. Lonoikamakahiki realizes his mistake and chases after Kapaihiahilina and finds him at Anaehoʻomalu
where they make amends after much weeping takes place. Lonoikamakahiki has an Ahu erected to honor the
covenant he creates that there will be no strife between them.

I find the moʻolelo and oli fascinating because even to this day I can walk to the same Ahu that was erected so many years ago and see it with my own eyes. It is a great testament to the history of the land as well as the Ahupuaʻa of Anaehoʻomalu. The Ahu also serves as a marker for the Moku of Kona and Kohala and it is named Ke Ahualono — the Ahu of Lono.

I hope that by sharing this mo’olelo, you will grow to have a better understanding of how the things that we walk by every day have are steeped in culture and history. Living here I have learned that it is our responsibility to keep these mo’olelo alive.


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