12 Tips to Prepare Your Home For Sale, Fast! - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Selling Advice

12 Tips to Prepare Your Home For Sale, Fast!

Check Out Our Tips to Prepare and Get a Quick Sale on Your Home – Prior to and During Showings to Prospective Buyers

A less-than-clean home can cost you thousands off the sale price or completely turn away potential buyers. Not only this, yet a messy house is a red flag for many buyers, who’ll suspect repair problems lurking beneath the dirt.

Whilst an immaculately clean home sends a positive message that yours is a well-loved and maintained property — the kind that buyers love. So be sure to implement these important tips if you want to sell your house quickly and profitably.


TIP #1 – De-Clutter Your Home

Start with a plan before you minimize belongings. Write out which rooms you’d like to tackle and order them by importance or difficulty.

Sometimes starting with the easiest area or room will help you build momentum to move on to more difficult tasks.

A great method for de-cluttering your home is known as the KonMari Method by Marie Kondo. Click here to watch her video.

TIP #2 – Sell/Donate All Unwanted Items

In some cases, it may make financial sense to resell books, clothing, furniture and electronics on eBay, Craigslist or at a garage sale.

Sometimes, you’re better off donating items and claiming a tax deduction.

Whether it is best to sell or donate unwanted items depends on how much time you have before showings, what kind of goods you need to get rid of and your ability to claim charitable deductions.

TIP #3 – Neutralize Your Home

Strong political or artistic statements are not appropriate when your home is on the market.

Any personal family photos, collections, trophies, clippings, and projects should be put away, for display in your next home.

Neutralize the space in terms of colors and objects on display and create a clean, simplified background. Consider painting your walls neutral colors.

The goal is for buyers to be able to imagine themselves in your home during the showing.

TIP #4 – Deep Clean the Entire House

You can either deep clean yourself or hire a cleaning crew to get the job done.

Make sure to deep clean the kitchen stove, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, cabinets and countertops, bathroom shower, sinks and faucets, toilets, as well as all windows, shelves, drawers, blinds and drapes, walls, floors, and carpets.

If you have any pets that shed, make sure to remove as much hair as you can.

If you’ve got pet odor, a solution of baking soda and apple cider vinegar is recommended to deodorize both carpet and furniture.

TIP #5 – Repair Any Issues with the House

Buyers often look for homes that require few repairs, and you want a deal to go through as quickly as possible.

Some sellers hire a Home Inspector to conduct a Pre-Listing Inspection then resolve the important deficiencies.

Common things you should consider repairing include:

  • Kitchen and bathrooms: kitchen appliances, cabinets, sinks and faucets, bathrooms and showers.
  • General interior surfaces: walls and ceilings, floors, heating and air conditioning system, water heater, smoke detectors, electrical panel, and circuit breakers.
  • Home exterior: garage door, exterior doors, roof, eaves, foundation, fencing, decks, and landscaping.

TIP #6 – Fix Up the Yard

Make sure you clear the sidewalks and mow the lawn. Paint faded window trim and plant some flowers if the season allows. Trim trees, shrubs, plants and other vegetation around the property. Be sure that visitors can clearly read your house number


TIP #1 – Make Sure all Rooms are Clean

Do a thorough check throughout all of the rooms to make sure they are neat, clean, and presentable to prospective buyers. Think about these details:

TIP #2 – Make the House Smell Good

Brew a fresh pot of coffee or bake a fresh batch of cookies so that the aroma is permeating the home.

Boiling cinnamon sticks can also provide a nice aroma as well.

TIP #3 – Let the Light In

A dark room can be a turn-off to a prospective buyer.

Crack or open the blinds and turn on every light in the home to make it feel bright, open, fresh and inviting.

TIP #4 – Stage your Home

Staging your home is the process of strategically arranging furnishings and decor to make your house look its best.

This may involve a refresh of your own belongings, or renting furnishings and decor temporarily.

Professional Stagers say that the cost of staging is far less than the first price reduction.

TIP #5 – Take Your Pets with You

For the open house, take your pets and their items with you, such as any beds, food dishes, beds, cages, and litter boxes from the main areas of the home.

TIP #6 – Play Music

Turn on the radio or TV and set it to a low, soft classical or peaceful music station to create ambiance in the house.

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