Thanksgiving in Hawaii is one of my favorite times of the year. The days are a little cooler. The light is softer. The surf is up. People are ‘stoked’. The list goes on…
At Hawaii Life, the list of what we’re all grateful for is growing everyday.
- We’re grateful for the 1000+ people we’ve helped to buy or sell their Hawaii property this year.
- We’re grateful for our incredible team of 8 employees who have given A LOT of themselves. (And we’re grateful that we’ve been able to pay them).
- We’re grateful to the 128 brokers and agents around Hawaii who have trusted us with their careers, and helped to co-create such an incredible company.
- We’re grateful to live in a culture that knows how to relax, recreate, and not take ourselves SO seriously.
What are you grateful for?
Pam Deery, R(B)
November 23, 2011
I am grateful for my wonderful abundance of friends and family; the fact that I wake up happy every day to see the ocean & blue skies out my window, hear the birds singing while I work and that I have a job that I love (usually) with the pleasure of meeting new people every day who appreciate this paradise as much as I do.
Pam Deery, R(B)
November 23, 2011
I am grateful for my wonderful abundance of friends and family; the fact that I wake up happy every day to see the ocean & blue skies out my window, hear the birds singing while I work and that I have a job that I love (usually) with the pleasure of meeting new people every day who appreciate this paradise as much as I do.
Ron Margolis
November 23, 2011
I’m grateful to live on Kauai where the nature is so rich and lush.I’m grateful for my wife, children, grandchildren and many dear friends around the planet. I’m grateful to work for a company that always pushes the cutting edge and seeks to excel in each direction it pursues. I’m grateful for BICs who are always there for the agents when they need a hand, feedback, or a problem solved. It’s always a good time to be grateful and appreciative. Thanksgiving is a time when we focus more on it.
Ron Margolis
November 23, 2011
I’m grateful to live on Kauai where the nature is so rich and lush.I’m grateful for my wife, children, grandchildren and many dear friends around the planet. I’m grateful to work for a company that always pushes the cutting edge and seeks to excel in each direction it pursues. I’m grateful for BICs who are always there for the agents when they need a hand, feedback, or a problem solved. It’s always a good time to be grateful and appreciative. Thanksgiving is a time when we focus more on it.
November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving to the whole Team and for the positive spirit the company is spreading to its agents and its clients.
With Aloha from the white sandy beaches of Maui, a great place to spend Thankgsgiving.
November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving to the whole Team and for the positive spirit the company is spreading to its agents and its clients.
With Aloha from the white sandy beaches of Maui, a great place to spend Thankgsgiving.
Tracy Stice, R, Broker In Charge, ABR, CRB, CRS, GRI, GREEN
November 23, 2011
Grateful for:
1) Laura, my wonderful wife of 33 years and the great children she has blessed me with; Jeremy, Brianna, and Chloe
2) My health. I will be 60 on March 7 and I still surf, workout 4 days a week and ride my bike on the best island in the world. Maui
3) My business partners, Matt, Justin, Winston with their leadership ship and vision. You have me excited again after 32 years in the Hawaii real estate business. Hawaii Life Rocks!
4) My agents on Maui. You are tough crew to put up with me some days, but are making wonderful progress with our skills and team building. We all learn from each other and the synergy is building.
5) My friends who are always there for me when I need them or they need me.
6) My farm, my Tilapia Pond, my Ti patch and my tractors.
Tracy Stice, R, Broker In Charge, ABR, CRB, CRS, GRI, GREEN
November 23, 2011
Grateful for:
1) Laura, my wonderful wife of 33 years and the great children she has blessed me with; Jeremy, Brianna, and Chloe
2) My health. I will be 60 on March 7 and I still surf, workout 4 days a week and ride my bike on the best island in the world. Maui
3) My business partners, Matt, Justin, Winston with their leadership ship and vision. You have me excited again after 32 years in the Hawaii real estate business. Hawaii Life Rocks!
4) My agents on Maui. You are tough crew to put up with me some days, but are making wonderful progress with our skills and team building. We all learn from each other and the synergy is building.
5) My friends who are always there for me when I need them or they need me.
6) My farm, my Tilapia Pond, my Ti patch and my tractors.
Jeanne Elliott Buboltz,RB CRS GRI
November 23, 2011
I am Grateful having had the Health and Happiness of a God given Spirit allowing me to ride a full ocean of waves for 70 years now,with its ups and downs of ‘Living a life to the fullest’…and experiencing it all with the best of my abilities. Thankful for a wonderful,healthy family and dear friends. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all. HooRahhh!
Jeanne Elliott Buboltz,RB CRS GRI
November 23, 2011
I am Grateful having had the Health and Happiness of a God given Spirit allowing me to ride a full ocean of waves for 70 years now,with its ups and downs of ‘Living a life to the fullest’…and experiencing it all with the best of my abilities. Thankful for a wonderful,healthy family and dear friends. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all. HooRahhh!
Kristine Musto
November 23, 2011
I am grateful for my wonderful husband, three happy and healthy children, my beautiful mom, family, my friends, my life on Maui. I live in the most amazing place in the world. I’m so grateful that I’m able to raise my family here. I’m grateful to all of you for allowing me to be a part of this amazing company. I’m surrounded by so much knowledge and people who are willing to share it with me. That’s a true blessing. I’m grateful for my “Hawaii Life!”
Kristine Musto
November 23, 2011
I am grateful for my wonderful husband, three happy and healthy children, my beautiful mom, family, my friends, my life on Maui. I live in the most amazing place in the world. I’m so grateful that I’m able to raise my family here. I’m grateful to all of you for allowing me to be a part of this amazing company. I’m surrounded by so much knowledge and people who are willing to share it with me. That’s a true blessing. I’m grateful for my “Hawaii Life!”
CJ Halladay
November 23, 2011
Every night at the dinner table my family and I hold hands, give thanks and show respect for everything/everyone we have in our lives, everything we’ve been able to do and everything we will do. It’s my favorite part of the day and you (my HL Ohana) are always a part of the “everything/everyone” we are greatful for. Ron – good luck with your new BIC
CJ Halladay
November 23, 2011
Every night at the dinner table my family and I hold hands, give thanks and show respect for everything/everyone we have in our lives, everything we’ve been able to do and everything we will do. It’s my favorite part of the day and you (my HL Ohana) are always a part of the “everything/everyone” we are greatful for. Ron – good luck with your new BIC
Miriam Perlmutter
November 23, 2011
1)That I have a 10 year old daughter who puts a smile on my face everyday, her perspective of the world at large is so beautiful!
2)My son graduates with his BS in Engineering in three weeks and has assured me that he will pass all of his classes and graduate with a gpa to get into law school (his, not my backup plan if he doesn’t get a job that he likes, see #2).
3)My daughter just got a job in her field, after filling out close to 200 job applications, in a major metropolitan area. She has a MBA!
4)I have a job (see #2). Big MAHALO to the crew at Hawaii Life for all that you do to keep us in business!
5)House Hunters is finally going to air (I get asked almost every day when it is going to air). If you are interested, it airs on November 27 at 5:00 pm on HGTV.
6)My hubby, even if winter surf is approaching, as he will be MIA and the surf stories will be endless.
Miriam Perlmutter
November 23, 2011
1)That I have a 10 year old daughter who puts a smile on my face everyday, her perspective of the world at large is so beautiful!
2)My son graduates with his BS in Engineering in three weeks and has assured me that he will pass all of his classes and graduate with a gpa to get into law school (his, not my backup plan if he doesn’t get a job that he likes, see #2).
3)My daughter just got a job in her field, after filling out close to 200 job applications, in a major metropolitan area. She has a MBA!
4)I have a job (see #2). Big MAHALO to the crew at Hawaii Life for all that you do to keep us in business!
5)House Hunters is finally going to air (I get asked almost every day when it is going to air). If you are interested, it airs on November 27 at 5:00 pm on HGTV.
6)My hubby, even if winter surf is approaching, as he will be MIA and the surf stories will be endless.
David E. Buck, R, BIC
November 23, 2011
I’ll ditto some of the others here in that I’m thankful for my family, my health and living my Hawaii Life
David E. Buck, R, BIC
November 23, 2011
I’ll ditto some of the others here in that I’m thankful for my family, my health and living my Hawaii Life
Diane Chavez
November 24, 2011
I am thankful for being able to spend Thanksgiving with my Mom and Dad who are visiting from Maui.
Also I am thankful for my Husband and my Two Boys!
Life is good when you have friends and I appreciate the great
people in my life. May everyone have a wonderful day!
Diane Chavez
November 24, 2011
I am thankful for being able to spend Thanksgiving with my Mom and Dad who are visiting from Maui.
Also I am thankful for my Husband and my Two Boys!
Life is good when you have friends and I appreciate the great
people in my life. May everyone have a wonderful day!
Katie Minkus, R(BIC)
November 24, 2011
I’ve found over the years that living a life of gratitude means practicing a little bit (or sometimes a lot!) every day. Practicing gratitude daily has led me to live a life of joy and wonder, acceptance and peace.
Many have asked me “how I ‘do’ it?” How do I keep laughing and smiling and cracking up at the absurdity of life despite the tough times, the setbacks, the losses and the sorrows? Gratitude. How do I continue to move forward when faced with my own limitations, mistakes and weakness? Gratitude. How do I support the most amazing team of Brokers and Agents in Hawaii day in and day out, how do I assist them in closing 180+ transactions a year, how do I coach and lead this team of 30 to break records and push the envelope and still remain sane? Gratitude.
Thanksgiving to me is really about the Turkey, (and the yams and the pies and…;) and the opportunity to surround myself with people who for this day are living and celebrating my daily practice – Gratitude.
Today, I am perhaps most grateful for my Hawaii Life. Not just the warm weather and rainbows and surf and whales (where ARE these whales??) but for the daily opportunity to contribute to a company that is about so much more than just the bottom line. The proof is in the pudding… how many of you reading this, would your company have “allowed” you to post a response like this on their “Captain’s Blog?”
Hau’oli Ho’omaika’i!!
Katie Minkus, R(BIC)
November 24, 2011
I’ve found over the years that living a life of gratitude means practicing a little bit (or sometimes a lot!) every day. Practicing gratitude daily has led me to live a life of joy and wonder, acceptance and peace.
Many have asked me “how I ‘do’ it?” How do I keep laughing and smiling and cracking up at the absurdity of life despite the tough times, the setbacks, the losses and the sorrows? Gratitude. How do I continue to move forward when faced with my own limitations, mistakes and weakness? Gratitude. How do I support the most amazing team of Brokers and Agents in Hawaii day in and day out, how do I assist them in closing 180+ transactions a year, how do I coach and lead this team of 30 to break records and push the envelope and still remain sane? Gratitude.
Thanksgiving to me is really about the Turkey, (and the yams and the pies and…;) and the opportunity to surround myself with people who for this day are living and celebrating my daily practice – Gratitude.
Today, I am perhaps most grateful for my Hawaii Life. Not just the warm weather and rainbows and surf and whales (where ARE these whales??) but for the daily opportunity to contribute to a company that is about so much more than just the bottom line. The proof is in the pudding… how many of you reading this, would your company have “allowed” you to post a response like this on their “Captain’s Blog?”
Hau’oli Ho’omaika’i!!
Gary Bland R (S)
November 25, 2011
I am grateful for many things: I have my Wife & Children who make up a great deal of my life with happiness! I am also very proud to be part of the Hawaii Life Team. My friends who support me. My immediate family especially my Mom! The list goes on; Best of all we should be grateful for each other because of the economic downturn we all need to stay positive and do the best we can do! It is what it is! Have a wonderful and joyful Holiday Season.
Gary Bland R (S)
November 25, 2011
I am grateful for many things: I have my Wife & Children who make up a great deal of my life with happiness! I am also very proud to be part of the Hawaii Life Team. My friends who support me. My immediate family especially my Mom! The list goes on; Best of all we should be grateful for each other because of the economic downturn we all need to stay positive and do the best we can do! It is what it is! Have a wonderful and joyful Holiday Season.
Ron Margolis
November 25, 2011
Miriam, At least you can play a little more tennis during the winter. That’s a luxury you don’t get in every state in our nation. Enjoy your holidays.
Ron Margolis
November 25, 2011
Miriam, At least you can play a little more tennis during the winter. That’s a luxury you don’t get in every state in our nation. Enjoy your holidays.