Economic Forecast for Oahu Real Estate is Looking Good - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Economic Forecast for Oahu Real Estate is Looking Good

Median priced Oahu home

The University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization expects home sales and prices to edge up in 2011. Positive factors of tight property inventory, consumer confidence, and expected personal income growth continue to play a vital roll with the forecast.

These experts forecast for the island of Oahu prices to increase by 4.3% in 2011, in 2012 an additional increase of 5.7%, and still another increase of 8% in 2013. That will bring the median price for a single family home on Oahu to $718,000 by the end of 2013. Similar increases for condominiums are also projected.

For additional information the Star Advertiser has posted an article, Economy Shows Sparks Of Life, on Sunday Jan 2, 2011.

Please contact me if you are interested in Oahu Real Estate.

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January 2, 2011

How wonderful. It would be great if the housing market in Hawaii turned around.


January 2, 2011

How wonderful. It would be great if the housing market in Hawaii turned around.

Ron Margolis, RA, ABR

January 8, 2011

I’ll drink to that and so will my seller clients, LOL

Ron Margolis, RA, ABR

January 8, 2011

I’ll drink to that and so will my seller clients, LOL


January 20, 2011

Keep that positive energy flowing thru the markets!!Decemeber ended up not being too bad on Oahu-up from last year December!


January 20, 2011

Keep that positive energy flowing thru the markets!!Decemeber ended up not being too bad on Oahu-up from last year December!

Mortgage Rate Forecast for 2011 – Still a Good Time for Hawaii Homebuyers! « Hawaii Real Estate Market

January 30, 2011

[…] you combine this information with my blog, Economic Forecast for Oahu Real Estate is Looking Good, that expects home sales and prices to edge up in 2011, this indicates that now is still a great […]

Mortgage Rate Forecast for 2011 – Still a Good Time for Hawaii Homebuyers! « Hawaii Real Estate Market

January 30, 2011

[…] you combine this information with my blog, Economic Forecast for Oahu Real Estate is Looking Good, that expects home sales and prices to edge up in 2011, this indicates that now is still a great […]


January 31, 2011

Last I looked the Oahu rock has not shrunk and the population continues to outpace available homes and condos…Real esated availability is getting stretched like a rubber band and about to bust up in prices if something does not give. Having a carrier with 5000 crew with a lot looking for a place to live is not going to make it that much harder to hold prices down. All your going to hear is that popping sound. Now with the chinese and all their money coming into HI what are we going to do as realesate prices fly north


January 31, 2011

Last I looked the Oahu rock has not shrunk and the population continues to outpace available homes and condos…Real esated availability is getting stretched like a rubber band and about to bust up in prices if something does not give. Having a carrier with 5000 crew with a lot looking for a place to live is not going to make it that much harder to hold prices down. All your going to hear is that popping sound. Now with the chinese and all their money coming into HI what are we going to do as realesate prices fly north

Mr. Reality

February 2, 2011

Keep drinking the Kool Aid folks. The global economy is collapsing before your very eyes. Foreclosures were 1 million in 2010 and will be worse in 2011. The dollar is collapsing as our incompetent government continues to try and inflate our way out of this mess and prop up the economy via quantitive easing. Just look at the price of commodities over the past 12 months! Wake up!!

Mr. Reality

February 2, 2011

Keep drinking the Kool Aid folks. The global economy is collapsing before your very eyes. Foreclosures were 1 million in 2010 and will be worse in 2011. The dollar is collapsing as our incompetent government continues to try and inflate our way out of this mess and prop up the economy via quantitive easing. Just look at the price of commodities over the past 12 months! Wake up!!

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