5 Validating Reasons Why You Should Live Off The Grid In Hawaii - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

5 Validating Reasons Why You Should Live Off The Grid In Hawaii

When you think of living in Hawaii, you may picture new condos or plantation style homes with a large lanai. However, today I want to give you five reasons you should consider living “off the grid” in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

1. Financial Freedom

First and foremost, I must mention the financial aspect of living off the grid in Hawaii. While the initial startup cost of a home built away from a community center can be expensive, in the long run it is usually far more cost effective. I’ll get into that next.

This “off the grid” home is already built and ready for new owners

Off the grid home in Ocean View on the Big Island

2. Few or No Utility Bills

Can you imagine only paying for propane and gasoline? The owners of the home featured in this post are, in a way, their own utility company. Because the home is situated at a higher elevation, hot summer days stay fairly cool. When temperatures do drop, they use a wood burning stove to keep warm. When you build or buy a home off the grid, you can usually count on having far fewer utility bills, if any.

A wood burning stove takes care of the home’s heating needs

A wood burning stove takes care of the home’s heating needs

3. An Abundance of Resources

While farmers markets and road side stands are common all over Hawaii, those that choose to live outside of town can often become their own grocer as well. Hunting on your land can provide you with a food source as can the year ’round gardening that is possible here. With the abundance of rain water, a catchment tank provides water for both inside and outside of the home.


Fresh produce grown on your own land

4. Raise Your Own Chickens

A chicken coop, or even a small goat pen, is yet another reason a home off the grid can be financially beneficial for you. Most homes, like the one featured in this post, come with plenty of land, which allows for grazing and space for any small livestock you’d like to keep.

With one acre of land, there’s room for chickens and other small animals

With one acre of land, there’s room for chickens and other small animals

5. Independence

For many people, there is nothing greater than knowing you can provide for yourself and your family by living off your own land. You’re able to control how your food is grown as well as decide what produce and meat you’d like to consume. There is an incredible sense of accomplishment when you decide to live off the grid in Hawaii, and I hope you’ll consider it as an option when you look for your next home.

Relax in your own self-sufficient home

Relax in your own self-sufficient home

Interested in Living Off the Grid?

If you have questions about living off the grid in Hawaii, please contact me.

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September 25, 2015

Those are 5 great reasons to live off the grid! The home and setting look nice too.


September 25, 2015

Those are 5 great reasons to live off the grid! The home and setting look nice too.

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