Kohola Point Residence Sells in Auction With No Reserve - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life

Kohola Point Residence Sells in Auction With No Reserve

(Spoiler Alert: My client won the auction)

With paddles in hand and game-faces on, 11 bidders or representatives thereof were ready to raise hands in high hopes of purchasing the luxurious Kohola Point — a 4-bedroom, 3-acre oceanfront estate at Anini Vista on Kauai’s North Shore that was auctioned yesterday by host Concierge Auctions.

The anticipation was thick at the auction venue just before it began

About Real Estate Auctions

As a luxury real estate auction marketing firm, Concierge Auctions’ objective is to obtain fair market value for high-end properties in a 60-day time-frame. We can’t share the amount of the winning bid for another few weeks, but it’s safe to say that it will represent the highest sales price in Anini Vista in the last year. So, perhaps auctions are proving to be a more effective means of moving high-end properties in a manner that is timely and satisfactory to both buyer and seller. Is a tidal shift in the methods of sales upon us?

Bidders mingling before the business side of the day

With most auctions drawing an average of 7 bidders, and each bidder required to place $100,000 in escrow just to earn their paddle, the high turnout for Kohola Point’s auction (11 bidders) reflects the current strength of Kauai real estate. This point is even further affirmed by a recent article in Baron’s designating Kauai the second best locale in the United States for second homes.

With a bedroom view like this, a second home may become a first home

Kauai is #2 for #2.


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Carol Andrews

May 2, 2012

Huge Kudos to you Roni-No doubt you have an extremely satisfied Buyer who will be forever grateful to be the chosen one able to enjoy this magnificent dream estate!

Carol Andrews

May 2, 2012

Huge Kudos to you Roni-No doubt you have an extremely satisfied Buyer who will be forever grateful to be the chosen one able to enjoy this magnificent dream estate!

Ron Margolis

May 4, 2012

Roni, you rock. Clear intention and hard work gets the job done. You go girl!

Ron Margolis

May 4, 2012

Roni, you rock. Clear intention and hard work gets the job done. You go girl!

Heidi White

May 5, 2012

Thanks for the blog Roni! ‘Concierge Auctions’ is holding a $8,950,000 home for auction at the ultra private Kuki’o subdivision on the west side of the Big Island May 24, 2012. This Kuki’o auction is not an absolute auction & has a starting bid of $3,990,000. I have seen the home and it is magnificent! I am sure it will be sold at a great value as well. Don’t you think we will be seeing more of these types of sales? Its a great way to develop exposure on the property and a excellent way to purchase a great home at wonderful price.

Heidi White

May 5, 2012

Thanks for the blog Roni! ‘Concierge Auctions’ is holding a $8,950,000 home for auction at the ultra private Kuki’o subdivision on the west side of the Big Island May 24, 2012. This Kuki’o auction is not an absolute auction & has a starting bid of $3,990,000. I have seen the home and it is magnificent! I am sure it will be sold at a great value as well. Don’t you think we will be seeing more of these types of sales? Its a great way to develop exposure on the property and a excellent way to purchase a great home at wonderful price.

Judy Shiroma

May 10, 2012

Thank you for sharing the auction process. Sounds like it was an exciting event!

Judy Shiroma

May 10, 2012

Thank you for sharing the auction process. Sounds like it was an exciting event!

Kelly Joudon

May 25, 2012

You get to learn something new everyday when you are a REALTOR! With 20 years of residential sales under my bikini I have not had the pleasure of working with the process of auction without distress. Talk about Dynamic! Wow!!!

Kelly Joudon

May 25, 2012

You get to learn something new everyday when you are a REALTOR! With 20 years of residential sales under my bikini I have not had the pleasure of working with the process of auction without distress. Talk about Dynamic! Wow!!!

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