2011 Tsunami Makes an Impression in Kona, Hawaii - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

2011 Tsunami Makes an Impression in Kona, Hawaii

Last night, the tsunami sirens went off and we were ordered to evacuate to high ground by 2 a.m.

The first wave was expected at 2:59 a.m. This video was taken on the bay front two hours after the first tsunami hit Kona. You always hope for the best when these things happen–it affects so many small businesses along the coast.

Looking at this amount of water in a low-lying area, I am stunned that my Kahaluu oceanfront listing (MLS# 217717) was untouched! I was running around yesterday morning checking my properties and found it dry as a bone.

Oddly, my phone was ringing off the hook that morningwith buyers from Alaska, Canada, and all over. It’s not too late to get the best deal in Hawaii oceanfront. Will wonders never cease? Turns out, the tsunami was good for my business!

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Beth Thoma Robinson R(B)

March 13, 2011

Heidi, it is so funny, I’ve heard from many prospective buyers as well. My friends in the entertainment business always told me that “any publicity is good publicity.” Now I believe them!

Beth Thoma Robinson R(B)

March 13, 2011

Heidi, it is so funny, I’ve heard from many prospective buyers as well. My friends in the entertainment business always told me that “any publicity is good publicity.” Now I believe them!

iPhone or Flip video? Which is Better for Puako Beach real estate for sale? « Hawaii Real Estate Market

March 14, 2011

[…] Below are two videos, taken 10 minutes apart on my iPhone, of the beach across the street from my house for sale in Puako. They were taken yesterday and clearly show the volume of water still surging late yesterday afternoon, after-affects from the tsunami: […]

iPhone or Flip video? Which is Better for Puako Beach real estate for sale? « Hawaii Real Estate Market

March 14, 2011

[…] Below are two videos, taken 10 minutes apart on my iPhone, of the beach across the street from my house for sale in Puako. They were taken yesterday and clearly show the volume of water still surging late yesterday afternoon, after-affects from the tsunami: […]

Heidi White, R(S)

March 15, 2011

Our heart felt relief that the Big Island was somewhat spared does not diminish our sympathy and horror at the thought of the massive devastation and loss of life fallen upon our Island families in Japan. They are in our prayers.

Heidi White, R(S)

March 15, 2011

Our heart felt relief that the Big Island was somewhat spared does not diminish our sympathy and horror at the thought of the massive devastation and loss of life fallen upon our Island families in Japan. They are in our prayers.

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