Simple Joys Along the Big Island's Kohala Gold Coast - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
Big Island

Simple Joys Along the Big Island's Kohala Gold Coast

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about simplicity.

Perhaps the simplest joy about my house (MLS# 240224) for sale in Puako are sunsets at the beach across the street

As I was driving to yoga tonight in Hawi, North Kohala, I started thinking about simple joys and how in Hawaii they can often show up as an incredible feeling of connectedness to the world. The surf was pounding in Kawaihae and the surfers were out enjoying the winter swell. The temperature was perfect, the sun in the last half hour of its daily journey to Hawaii, the ocean calm, and then, the whales – puff!

There’s a stretch of the highway along the Kohala “Gold” Coast that starts just north of Kohala Ranch, and goes a good 15 minutes (roughly, depending on how fast you drive!) before there’s another home, or any sort of real development in sight.

All you see are the rolling hills which right now are gorgeous and green, the blue ocean, setting sun, and the whales jumping and – Puff! From the highway, those whales look just like a little puff on the water. Oh, and I did see tourists pulled over on the side of the road – at least 10 cars along the way. Looked like some pretty happy people enjoying the whale show!

And then, as I approached the next subdivision, Ranch at Puakea, not only could I see Maui in all her glory, but I also saw Kaho’olawe and Lanai peeking through in the distance. An incredible sight to behold, indeed. My drive home? Stars, stars, and more stars twinkling in the dark, dark sky…ahhh. The Big Island’s Kohala Coast offers all these simple joys, and so much more.

Ranch at Puakea Lot (MLS# 239758) is an almost-oceanfront 20 acres asking $797,000

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brooke derby

January 27, 2011

I have been feeling this exact same way the last few days too! It has been spectacular on the Big Island! I still pinch myself everyday and can’t believe that I live here! The whales have been AMAZING! Lucky we live HAWAII!!!

brooke derby

January 27, 2011

I have been feeling this exact same way the last few days too! It has been spectacular on the Big Island! I still pinch myself everyday and can’t believe that I live here! The whales have been AMAZING! Lucky we live HAWAII!!!

Martha Tumbleson, R(S)

January 27, 2011

I couldn’t agree with you more, Katie. I just love that stretch of the coastline. I fondly remember this area from our honeymoon almost 21 years ago, when we fell in love with the Big Island. Our love affair with the island continues to strengthen and grow the longer we are here in paradise!

Martha Tumbleson, R(S)

January 27, 2011

I couldn’t agree with you more, Katie. I just love that stretch of the coastline. I fondly remember this area from our honeymoon almost 21 years ago, when we fell in love with the Big Island. Our love affair with the island continues to strengthen and grow the longer we are here in paradise!

Beth Thoma Robinson R(B)

January 28, 2011

And while you were driving that stretch of Kohala, my husband was installing the water for my horses on the Ranch at Puakea lot adjacent to the one for sale in your photo. Do you think horses enjoy watching whales too? If you don’t find me on line, you’ll know where to look for me!

Beth Thoma Robinson R(B)

January 28, 2011

And while you were driving that stretch of Kohala, my husband was installing the water for my horses on the Ranch at Puakea lot adjacent to the one for sale in your photo. Do you think horses enjoy watching whales too? If you don’t find me on line, you’ll know where to look for me!

Kathy E Awai, R(S)

January 28, 2011

Then at night if you are really lucky and the weather is right in the evening you might see a “moonbow.” No kidding, they are rainbows at night and in 30 years, I have seen only one and it “hangs out” in that streach of highway going north, a few miiles before you get to Puakea Bay. Now that’s truly a sight to behold!

Kathy E Awai, R(S)

January 28, 2011

Then at night if you are really lucky and the weather is right in the evening you might see a “moonbow.” No kidding, they are rainbows at night and in 30 years, I have seen only one and it “hangs out” in that streach of highway going north, a few miiles before you get to Puakea Bay. Now that’s truly a sight to behold!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

January 28, 2011

Mahalo, ladies!!!

Beth, I’d love to come ride horses in Puakea sometime with you so I can find out the answer to your question myself! You know this is one of my all-time favorite spots on the island.

Kathy, I was lucky enough to see one when I lived in Kohala Estates one night – my girlfriend in Kohala Ranch called me around 2am and told me to run outside and look…really incredible!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

January 28, 2011

Mahalo, ladies!!!

Beth, I’d love to come ride horses in Puakea sometime with you so I can find out the answer to your question myself! You know this is one of my all-time favorite spots on the island.

Kathy, I was lucky enough to see one when I lived in Kohala Estates one night – my girlfriend in Kohala Ranch called me around 2am and told me to run outside and look…really incredible!

Dano Sayles

January 28, 2011

Aloha Katie,
I was feeling the same way this evening at sunset in Makena.Spinner dolphins were playing and humpback whales were jumping for joy.Aloha Friday at it’s best. Have a great weekend !

Dano Sayles

January 28, 2011

Aloha Katie,
I was feeling the same way this evening at sunset in Makena.Spinner dolphins were playing and humpback whales were jumping for joy.Aloha Friday at it’s best. Have a great weekend !

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

January 29, 2011

Aloha Dano – it’s hard to beat Makena – might be my favorite beach in all of Hawaii… Have a great weekend yourself!!

Katie Minkus, R(BIC)

January 29, 2011

Aloha Dano – it’s hard to beat Makena – might be my favorite beach in all of Hawaii… Have a great weekend yourself!!

Yoga and Real Estate – It’s a Practice! « Hawaii Real Estate Market

March 29, 2011

[…] south on the Kohala “Gold” Coast Saturday afternoon about 5 […]

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