As I am headed off island and out of the country this evening, the reality of a pending vacation is foremost in my mind. “You go on vacation when you live in Hawaii?” is a question I’ve been asked time and time again. And the answer is a resounding YES! Of course! We love to go on vacation!! Haven’t you heard that Las Vegas is the 9th island? Hawaii residents love Las Vegas so much in fact, that a few years ago Hawaiian Airlines scheduled a redeye from Honolulu to Vegas, and a return flight that leaves Vegas at 2am in the morning and arrives in Honolulu at 7am – meaning a long weekend in Vegas when you live in Hawaii is a very real probability, and you can still be on time for work!!
The mainland is a very popular place for island residents to vacation, of course. The West Coast of the United States and Canada is relatively close, incredibly diverse, and full of former Hawaii residents, ‘ohana and loved ones. One thing I never noticed prior to moving to Hawaii was how many people have Hawaii-related stickers on their cars driving around the freeways…take a look around next time you’re in traffic, you are likely to see a honu, hibiscus, “da kine” references and stickers – a little bit of the island lifestyle all ovah da place.
This trip, I’m not going to Vegas or anywhere on the mainland, I’m pulling a classic Hawaii resident, “I live on a tropical island and love to go visit other islands and tropical destinations.” I’m off to Cabo with girlfriends and to Fiji with my husband to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. A real vacation, yeah! After the enormous successes we’ve created with Hawaii Life on the Big Island so far this year, for me this is a necessary time of rest and rejuvenation so as to be in top shape for the winter selling season. Hmmm…wonder if that qualifies this as a “business trip?”
Aloha and a hui hou.
Rich Raffals
September 22, 2009
Aloha Katie!!
I enjoyed reading this…great info for a Hawaii-phile like me…and great just to get to peek into your life a bit.
Though I know you guys have NO problems in this area, I’m going to wish you and Dave very happy travels!!
Rich Raffals
September 22, 2009
Aloha Katie!!
I enjoyed reading this…great info for a Hawaii-phile like me…and great just to get to peek into your life a bit.
Though I know you guys have NO problems in this area, I’m going to wish you and Dave very happy travels!!
Coming Home to Hawi, North Kohala, Big Island of Hawaii « Hawaii Real Estate Blog
November 18, 2009
[…] Puako, and when she went on vacation in September, she wrote a blog post about the question we get: where do you vacation when your home is in Paradise? My home is in North Kohala, and the day I left on holiday in October, colleague Lucy Clark wrote […]
Coming Home to Hawi, North Kohala, Big Island of Hawaii « Hawaii Real Estate Blog
November 18, 2009
[…] Puako, and when she went on vacation in September, she wrote a blog post about the question we get: where do you vacation when your home is in Paradise? My home is in North Kohala, and the day I left on holiday in October, colleague Lucy Clark wrote […]
Ilona Coffey
November 25, 2010
Other Islands are always my choice too, followed by other tropical locations,
followed by my husbands choices,,,,The World at large! Have a great time
and see you when you get back!
Ilona Coffey
November 25, 2010
Other Islands are always my choice too, followed by other tropical locations,
followed by my husbands choices,,,,The World at large! Have a great time
and see you when you get back!